I'm in the process of adding http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21104 dinner-plate compatibility to tejon's http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20850 mod (a survival-type mod which includes an eating component). Cobl makes it easy for modders to set up customized menus for different races, so I'd like to ship the mod with a bunch of settings to simulate lore-friendly racial dietary bonuses and restrictions. I can set restrictions (cannot eat) and preferences (more or less nutrition) for 5 different types of food: dairy, fruit, grain, meat, and vegetables. Also, I can allow/disallow raw meat in the meat group. Note that I can't separate out specific food items: there's no way to say, for example, that a race can eat all meat except venison.
So I'm assuming Imperials can be considered a baseline, ie they're basically like a real-world human (eat anything but raw meat, "normal" nutrition from all sources). I know wood elves are supposed to be strict carnivores (and cannibals to boot!), but what about the other races? Bretons, Nords, and Redguards are human, but perhaps they have cultural preferences - maybe Nords gain more nutrition from meats and less from fruits/veggies since they don't have a good climate for growing food and thus have to hunt more (meat gives extra nutrition, fruit and veggies give less); perhaps Bretons are taught not to eat other living things except in dire need (which I could simulate by having meat give very low nutrition). Do Orcs eat their meat raw? Do Argonians disdain dairy products? I know Khajiiti (is that the right pluralization?) like sweets - perhaps this could translate into a preference for baked goods and fruits?
Also, because the mod is Cobl-dependent, I'm supporting the Cobl races and by extension bg2408's http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22124. If you're familiar with those extra races, some lore-inspired thoughts on them would be handy, too.
I know I could probably spend a bunch of time researching races and history and such at UESPWiki or the Imperial Library, but I actually haven't played very much (well, I've played a lot but haven't progressed very far

Any insight and suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!