What people really wants for PC: Gameplay mechanics & Poll

Post » Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:14 am

Hello everyone.

Before posting my thread first I would like to put 2 paragraphs of background of why I′m posting this:

I had this account without use at all since the Crysis 2 MP demo, more than anything because I was too busy on the F.E.A.R. 3 forums to do double time and by the time I was done for there was no point to get back here. Sad thing is, F.3 developers was a new crew that ignored the fanbase opinion, made their game while not even the writter (Steven Niles) didn′t even bother on fully play through the other games to know the story. Long story short, we got a game lacking of many neccesary options, with the original gameplay destroyed and turned into a full CoD copy, full of plot holes and destroyed story details everywhere and without anything the MP fanbase wanted.

Anyway, I decided to get back and start posting because of some statements from the Crytek deparment that got me worried. I post this because I want this game to be a success, as much as I attempted to work my way through the F.E.A.R. 3 forum. And because I′ve been reading posts and threads for a week and I didn′t see 1 like this so far.

Now to the thread itselt: (By the way on the Poll you can select all options)

First I want to say that I do not hate consoles, though I do believe they limit us a lot, but that′s usually fault of the developers for not add PC exclusive options and keeping the games exactly as it is on the consoles.

Now then, Crytek says they want to make the consoles and PC have the same gameplay experience, first thing that scares me. Second, not sure who talked to the PC fans not to worry because we would get much better graphics. I′m sorry, Crytek, I hope you read this, because you right now don′t seem to be quite sure of what most PC fans want.

We do like good graphics indeed, but we just don′t care about them when you may offer us an, at best, mediocre console level gameplay lacking of originality, options and game configuration.

What we want is a nanosuit that doesn′t feel like you are walking on a slow tank that can move on 4 directions.

What we want is don′t get cheap and boring human form aliens because "consoles can′t handle the originals properly" (and those were (more or less) your words, PC comunity ain′t making that up).

What we want is that, if you are about to promish destructible enviroments like on Crysis 2, they are destructible to be at least a match to Crysis 1 and nost just 1 small thing here, 1 there or buildings that fall off on the background and videos because you made it so and not because our gameplay.

What we want is a multiplayer that holds it′s ground with dedicated customizable servers, adrenaline pumping gameplay and original (Power struggle) modes.

The first Crysis had a nanosuit that worked just about perfect, with options like steady aim on strength or very large jumps on speed mode that you had to figure out yourself.

This nanosuit on any battlefield full of koreans it caused total caos and what was the most important thing on the game it offered TENTHS of approaches to the battles, specially combine with the open enviroments.

Here is one posible approach to exterminate a group of koreans in a village:
Sneak in cloaked -> grab a guy and go to armor mode -> kill his 2 astonished pals -> more koreans coming, switch to strengh mode and throw your puppet -> jump to a roof -> enemies detected on the other side of the village, switch to speed mode and jump roof to roof to get to them -> armor mode, bye bye guys -> they asked for reinforcements while you were fighting, a car is coming -> cool, free transport, still on the roof phrone so they can′t see you and regenerate the energy, go cloak again and kill them all and you earned yourself a car.

Now we go check how to clear an area on Crysis 2:

Option 1: you charge in using armor mode and maybe steady your aim using power mode
Option 2: sneak in using your visor to spot the enemies and try to do stealth kills without being detected: which many times is a no can′t do.
Option 3: heavy machinegun spotted, take it and kill everything.
Option 4: kill cloak, kill, cloak, grenade, cloak

Option 5..... sorry I can′t come up with anything else, if I sprint I run out of energy and when they open fire is not like that sprint is fast enough to get me anywhere and jump to high areas without either phrone or proper speed just makes me an easy target to every enemy nearby.

And that′s what it is, a game that was unique, not for it′s graphics but for the great ammount of gameplay options now only offers me to charge in like a tank or cloak all the time. And yes, one of our major suit complains, a NORMAL sprint that consumes the suit energy and that isn′t that fast anyway.

The cloak also didn′t feel like it offered many ways of being used correctly on SP, even with stealth kills it seems you almost always would end up detected if you didn′t use it only for what the TAC options offered you. Speaking of TAC, wouldn′t it be better keeping it away? Let the player figure out his approachs instead of tell him what to do. Also, when you are already offering options, one tends to get a closed mind and don′t see alternatives.

Now, suit options aside, where did the smoke grenades go? Flash bangs? Why can′t I, let′s say, put a reflex sight on a sniper rifle for close combat? Why if I go to the options menu some of the controls I liked are not there anymore and my options to customize the game were reduced significantly?

Specially about the last, making the game also for consoles is NOT an excuse to cut off PC options, you can add them anyway, if the consoles complain, just tell them the truth, that their system is not made for that, they will buy it, is not like they normally get many customization options anyway.

Also things we liked that were removed like using the sights and the laser at the same time and things we loved like destroying trees with bullets and then using them to hit a korean or having animals around that we could play with and pick and many more.

And for the love of God, if you keep repeating you will have destructible enviroments and show us cool videos about it, you could at least keep your promise, and not reducing it to the point that a very tiny trafic sign can stop a full speed car.

Multiplayer, while I do admit it was not bad, it was far away of what the original comunity spected. I blame Crytek-UK for making the same mistake as the FEAR 3 developers, make something without even take a look to the original. We ask for at the very least decent player slots, dedicated servers, larger maps and Power struggle, and I really think these 4 things are not too much to ask for when, for many games, MP is the 50% or more of the full product. About the kill streaks and other CoD rip offs, well, I don′t like them but I think they are wont be that bad if the gameplay mechanics are well made and we get those 4 things above.

The aliens: ....No, just no. People tryed to make up stories about why the aliens were different, but you said it was just so the consoles could handle them. The damage was already made so it can′t be undone, but you can at least redeem yourself getting cool, interesting alien enemies here and there on Crysis 3. Consoles can′t handle them? Make them PC only, hell, I bet many of us would be happy even if you just copy-paste the aliens from the first game.

The guns also just didn′t feel alright to use, there is this feeling that some games have and some others don′t, that the guns even before you open fire you feel they wont react as you wish and when you are firing you don′t feel like you or your character uses them properly. Crysis 2 had that, I can′t describe it, they just didn′t feel.... right.

And either I′m forgetting about stuff or this is my last point: The AI, while the 3 legged machine kind of chased you it was more like you had a wallhacker stalking you, and the AI really didn′t seem smart at all, I never felt in danger of getting flanked or anything. The small aliens trying to use EMP pulses to find you was a cool touch, though.

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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:55 am

And I forgot 1 last thing, and this is just a win win for you Crytek, you′ll see.

If you can′t get us the old nanosuit way of work, well then, make it a DLC! Allow us to either play with the new nanosuit settings or the old ones! And since you are gonna use Origin, may as well make use of whatever Battlefield did so pirates can′t get the DLCs for themselves.

Hell, you coul even make another DLC for multiplayer Old vs New or something like that (by the way I′m betting my house on the old)

You will:

A) Make extra money.
B) Make original fans EXTREMLY happy.
C) Make any pirates that want this being forced to buy the game, since developers tend to complain about piracy, you will earn sells of pirates who loved the original Crysis 1 yet they don′t like at all the new nanosuit.
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Kelly John
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Post » Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:05 am

Half of these things will be in C3
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:52 am

Well that′s good to know, though for the trailers/demo I really didn′t notice them at all, it just looked like Crysis 2 with more open enviroments, upgraded graphics and new guns, nothing else so far.

They do seem to offer a better variety of approachs on the single player fights, though. But mostly because of extra routes and not mechanics themselves.
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A Dardzz
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Post » Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:04 am

SP upgrades,
Speed mode
Weapon customization from C1
that would make the gameplay better
but at this point if its not in the game it wont ever be added in
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Princess Johnson
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