title sums it up
title sums it up
For Smithing, I guess it relies on what set of armor you use, Heavy or Light Armor. The Arcane Blacksmith perk is ideal for either choice, seems as there are enchanted items everywhere, and I'm 90% sure you'll end up using some. Some people aren't like that, though. And that leads to enchanting. Definitely all 5 Enchanter's to get stronger ones. Also, some other school of magic perks, like the Augmented Flames, has an effect on fire enchantments, etc. I would recommend one of the 3 Elemental perks, but you'd need to get Fire for Frost, and both Fire and Frost for Shock. If fire's your thing, then you're in luck. Probably go with Insightful and Corpus enchanter. Improves on certain enchantments. Combined with the Enchanter Perks, you can get some decent items. Then, the Extra Effect. It's always good to have that. Black Azura's Star + (Insert Weapon) with Soul Bind and (Enchantment of your choice, Destruction type?) Is great, because it basically recharges itself.
i've been enchanting my weapons, i've enchanted my dwarven bow with 10% shock damage (which comes in real handy)