Heh, yeh baby mammoths would be kind of cute, but I meant the huge mammoths we saw in Skyrim, don't you want your screen cluttered up with 100 mammoths running around town?
Heh, yeh baby mammoths would be kind of cute, but I meant the huge mammoths we saw in Skyrim, don't you want your screen cluttered up with 100 mammoths running around town?
Only if I can get mine to perform a mammoth stomp on command and clear a path for me through the crowds.
An Alfiiq would be nice.
baby versions of most of the bestiary would be good. Bear cubs, wolf cubs, sabre cat cubs and so on.
personally I'd love a miniature Daedroth, those things are awesome, particularly how they're portrayed in ESO.
On the whole "pet that follows you everywhere" topic. If we get player housing later on I'd actually prefer to be able to keep pets there and have them wandering about inside and outside of the homestead.
That would be great, it'd make the place feel populated and alive.
I'd rather have the Scuttle than the silly mudcrab; hopefully they will give me both (because I got the CE).
How about a Guar?
Completely agree.
There is a big difference between very few npc's and a minimal amount of dogs/pet followers in the previous single player TES games, than compared to the mass of annoying followers we will see in TESO.
That would be very cool, I could role play my crazy cat lady character and go home to a house full of cats.
YES Guar look so much like RAPTOR give it here naw
So cute!
i would love to have a Guar pet, but not a baby one. it should be Large size like they were in morrowind to help transport our items to sell in the market place.
Wouldn't that be kinda weird having your dad follow you around like that while you try and save the world though?
Hel be proud! He might even shed a tear.
Makes more sense than rats following cats.
No my hope for an Khajiit exclusive spellcasting Alfiiq pet is probably denied.
Zaria's daddy is not an Alfiiq, its an very famous man The Unknown Soldier. this ones mother took her to see the huge memorial many times then she was young.
How about a floating talking skull. With flames.