I have hung in there and given Crytrash plenty of shots, but this game is junk on the MP side. I know "a patch is on the way", whatever. Just finished a crashsite match (hardwired to the box) and what a lag fest, no talent polished turd. It was 3 v 3 in the gym at the site and it was like everyone was swimming through mud. Look, I have put in 50 hours and finished the SP, but holy cow what a nightmare. I know "get a life, go outside, stop playing, blah, blah, blah..."
Fan boys start flaming, say what you will, but I feel better just having got that off my plate. Best looking game on console means crap game play. Gimme some rougher graphics any day. Oh, and don't bother with the flames. I care about what you think just as much as you care about what I think. ZERO.
Since I can't get a hold of anyone from Crytrash to tell them their game is junk, this will have to do. Peace.