Everyone is entitled to play the game on whatever they want but... I can't help but think that if you played it on anything but a PC you'd be doing it a disservice
Really? Then you should see my PC, playing it on that would be a
disservice to the beautiful world Bethesda created.
I think it will be the same for most people out there. Few have a PC that can run this game better then the 360/PS3. On gaming boards PC gamers seem to forget that, saying that the PC version is the better looking version while, considering most PCs, the console version actually looks better (for most).
I will be getting it on the 360. Specs might be low in comparison to a PC but devs are able to optimize the game for these (low) specs resulting in a product that looks very good. Certainly better then what my PC could have produced. And I will get the game, I wont miss out on it because you think my way of playing it is a