I heard that but I assume like you do that it will not be anywhere as complex as getting mods for the pc so mods don't really get me VERY excited (Still cool that they are coming to console).....I have Skyrim for the pc and i've modded it plenty but even if I can get mods on the consoles I'll probably play through Fallout 4 a few times without mods first.
It is the 770 classified card so 4 GB GDDR5 and standard OC they provide for it so it runs as a 780 card, so not really that weak a card and not a problem with games, and i never go for all of it active no need since i am not running 4k setup those kind of stuff is for the braggers not the actual gamers.
I aswell have a 770 GTX and it runs games i use pretty good without lags. Playing Mad Max atm. and the game has no problems with it. Smoth without any stutters at all. So i think the card should be okay for Fallout 4 aswell.
I've had a PS and PS2, but have always used the PC for RPG's and such. Now it's all I use since STEAM has made everything so convenient. Current rig still plays well enough.
May have to tell the wife I need a new one next year ... so I can file taxes on it of course.
X-Box One. It's the main reason I've even bought the console.
PS4 for me too, because I don't own a gaming PC atm.
I played FO3 and FONV on my gaming laptop, and I've never played a shooter with a controller before, I hope I get used it to without too much problem.
All 3.
I have the Pip Boy edition coming on PS4 (only version available by the time I got my order in)
But I have a preference for playing on Xbox. So I'll pick it up on that at midnight.
A few months down the line I'll get the PC version once I beef up the old girl.
PC, because it is the platform I will be able to get the most value out of Skyrim. Creation Kit and unlimited modding is still a PC only thing, keyboard/mouse control (never got the hang of gamepads, I just feel crippled when using them outside of sport games), better performance and nicer graphics (if you use ENBs).
Ps4, I always got a Xbox 360 to play Fallout New Vegas but i didn't i played it on the Ps3 along with Fallout 3 & i loved it despite the bugs & lag issues. I'm hoping for Fallout 4 to not have those issues on the Ps4.
I made a topic like this. Tis not locked yet..
Can we add the polls together or something.. Try to get an accurate count?
PS4 for me.
I doubt my laptop can handle any new game. So Xbox One for me. Maybe PS4 later.