I am definitely will be getting it for PC... Mainly for mods.
I am definitely will be getting it for PC... Mainly for mods.
PS4. Because i want to see how Bethesda does. It's really important to know how this developers do on the new system. They got away fair and square with the PS3. Tip toeing their way out. But not this time. AND i will watch gameplay videos for it first reviews etc. First sign i see about freezes i am backing off the PS4 version and i am going to warn as many people as possible.
PC will come later. But as everyone knows. PC get's everything fixed. + mods.
Then ... i will probably get it for the Xbox One.
This poll has come around before, the only difference being the one before let you choose as many as you liked. But this one only lets you select one. The reason I say this is because I will be playing it first on Ps4 but then I will be getting it for the PC at a later date, once I've upgraded my PC.
Been a PC gamer my whole life. Doubt its going to change anytime soon.
No longer a reason to get it for the PC since Xbox One and PS4 will have mods as well.
I will be getting it on the PC since my last console is a PS2.
I voted for PC, because PC is the only platform I play video games on. Since 1998.
Dont care how low my settings have to go for this to be at a stable 60, I'll still play it on PC.
I am strictly a PC user. I've never owned a console. I've never even held a controller in my hands.
Damn thats a nice rig, I have alittle bit under those specs but close.
I might be getting a new digitalstorm rig too, the new aventum is coming out
I would love to see some accurate figures on platform sales. Most percentage figures I have seen reflect in-store sales.
I personally have not bought a boxed game in the last ten years, since direct downloads became available.
I have a gut feeling that the overall market is a lot more like this little poll. In fact Steam sales and downloads may be the majority over all.
The PC has way more than the quoted 5 percent of Bethesda sales.
I am also seriously losing interest in games developed for the console and ported to the PC.
Even MGSV TPP is a pretty bad port. How to drive a vehicle? They show you a controller, with no clue for keyboard equivalents.
Only have a PC aswell. And Creation Kit is most likely only working on PC aswell.
My Fallout 4 platform:
More trade with the Capital Wasteland!
Declare war on Canada!
A molerat in every pot, a Mr. Handy in every garage!
Eh, modding on the PC will always be more powerful / have more options. Both because of the lesser potential oversight by Beth/Sony/MS, and because on PC you can use all sorts of third-party utilities - like mod organizers, script extenders, leveled-list managers, etc, etc, etc. Yes, mods coming to the consoles is cool. But it still won't quite be the full experience.
Bought some new parts for my pc so going to get it on pc.
Going to get skylake core i7 6700k / new part
16GB DDR 4 RAM / new part
Got the GTX 770 Classified card, no reason to upgrade at this time since the issues with DX12 and the 900 series and i have no plans on going ATI anytime soon, plan on upgrading at next major gfx card release with proper DX12 support
Got 2 SSD 500 ish GB samsung Evo and the normal media 4TB disc's
So i have a pc that can more than handle most games coming in the near future and plan on going nuts with Fallout 4, Just cause 3 and Hitman for now since they decided to push the xcom 2 launch until next year :/
PC of course. Assuming my ancient rig can even handle it which is at the moment questionable. If not, then I won't playing it at all.
I'm a PC player, through and through.
Xbox One intially, but once I've got a better comp and the dlc are all out (preferably with a GoTY edition out as well) I'll play it on the PC.
I was gonna get it on the pc, but my pc is trash so I finally got an Xbox One on Sunday. I can go without mods, that settlement/base building will keep me plenty busy.