Someone had to do a topic like this...which is fine in a way....but you just know its going to lead to XBOX V's PS3 or PC V's CONSOLE.
Same old [censored] to me,it gets boring.....i dont want topics like that all the way till the game comes out.
As long as we all get a copy of the game and it's good....what does it matter.
I'll be playing on 360 because i have a 360 & cant afford a top end PC....and even if i did have a top end PC i would'nt slate console users either.
Because whether you like it or not consoles are popular and bring most of the bread in game wise now....FACT!
I can understand you spending a fortune on upgrading etc and wanting the best,but you need to look at the bigger picture.
More platforms=more sales=more elder scrolls ,fallout=better games....and so on.
No matter what you play it on,we all love the same game series,but some how still pick at each other....for something we all love and enjoy.
end of!
The games are made for everyone,not just people who can affort top PC's.
Sorry to the OP i mean no offence,but you just know that topics like this turn or are created with what i've mentioned.
Why did you bring it up? You on page 2, everything is going fine till you brought up the console vs PC wars.
Anyways, I will be getting for the 360. I like the feel of the 360 controller. I don't have a PC that will be able to play it. Even if I did, I would still get it for console just because I like playing
on the console. If and when I am done the Vanillia experiance in a year or 2, and then if my PC can handle it, I will get if for PC for the Mods. Mods are not a big deal when I play games.
I don't think I ever bought a game for the PC just because I can play mods on it.