So what power armor will you guys use? I am prolly gonna use T-60 or the set you find in Fort Constantine in FO3 (forgot the name)
So what power armor will you guys use? I am prolly gonna use T-60 or the set you find in Fort Constantine in FO3 (forgot the name)
hm.....depends on my character and what we can actually get access to in-game. More then likely, it will depend on what faction he ends up joining.
I really hope they have the tribal power armor from Fallout 3 in the game, my first character would probably wear that.
Otherwise, i might make an Enclave officer character, and wear some form of Enclave Power armor MK I or MK. II.
t-60/ t-51b/t-45d so basically all the pre great war power armours i have never liked any of the enclave post war power armours even with texture mods(even thou mods are drop dead crasy good)
so yeah pre great war power armour
As little as I possibly can. I've avoided the heck out that clunky, ugly stuff in FO3 and NV......
I rarely wear power armor in general myself. I usually find it to be ugly... So no idea. Depends how it is in FO4.
The glorious return of true, classic, Enclave Power Armour.
I really disliked the look of T-51b in the past games but they really stepped up the look this time around.
Some images to help people out regarding the looks
X-01 Mk. II
EDIT Im aware that in the past games t-45 variants have typically been D designation not B but this variant is B so....
None if I can get away with it. But in situations where I deem it necessary I will probably go with the new T-60 as I rather like the look of it.
Any Power Armor I can get my (Characters) hands on. The T 60 by far looks more worth while than the others.
Probably something that can be configured to add strength and agility.
I will probably only wear my power armor in the glowing sea to help protect me from radiation and possible deathclaws.
None. I'll forego armor all together just to add some difficulty.
I really liked the tribal power armor as well, and hope for its return or the ability to customize to look close
Damn straight. All other filthy plebeians of the waste will witness in awe true power armor at its greatest.
Enclave advanced power armor all the way baby. Doesn't much sense that its there but who cares the best power armor doesn't adhere to logic.
But since we're on the subject, do we have any info on the T-60 ? I don't remember any mention of it in past games and I don't think it's pre-war either so that makes me think that the institute took a T-45 and overhauled it since they're somewhat alike visually except it seems they added some tech to it like the HUD and the jump jet.
Yeah I want to add custom paint jobs aswell, though we already saw a flame paint job so it looks promising
Pretty much this. I don't care how good the stats are on the armor if its still ugly-looking. Can't fight crime if you ain't cute.