I'm interested to see what good ones are out there. I'm also looking for a replacement of mine due to interiors being too dark - I can't see anything in some interiors.
I'm interested to see what good ones are out there. I'm also looking for a replacement of mine due to interiors being too dark - I can't see anything in some interiors.
Which preset are you using now? When I set up ENB I actually found the interiors being too bright if not using Dark Dungeons for ENB. Anyway, I've checked out a lot of presets and while several are very impressive in their own rights I've found them all changing the overall look of Skyrim too much for my liking, so I finally (?) settled for using the original ENB Series, which sticks close to the vanilla feel while I can take advantage of SSAO, detailed shadows w/o banding etc. I'm using the latest release and have tweaked some settings, but not much. I'm also using SweetFX for SMAA, Luma sharpening and dither. Plus I'm using Realistic Lighting Overhaul (except Dawnguard interiors which was way too dark with my setup), Climates of Tamriel, Skyrim Particle Patch and Dark Dungeons for ENB as said. Also, the sunsprite from Opethfeldt 6 ENB and Skyrim Sunglare V4. I'm very happy with the result.
It looks like I'm using Phinix Natural ENB: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24235/?
But my version will be outdated by now. I'm downloading the latest version and will see if it improves things.
I'm also using Climates of Tamriel and Realistic Lighting Overhaul, and I've tried disabling both, but it didn't make a difference. I've sifted a bit through my installed mods, which are quite a lot, and I haven't noticed what else could be the culprit.
Updating the enb version fixed it, although now I think things are over saturated and too bright in some indoors. I'll look around for an alternate enb.
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12454//? is most often needed for ENB:
EDIT: Here's a http://i.imgur.com/2KubjMx.jpg with my current ENB/lighting setup.
I'd recommend Reallike ENB, it looks amazingly good and comes with almost no performance hit