» Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:45 am
Companions: wanted dead by brotherhood, getting bombarded or at least occasionally asked to help deal with peoples issues that town guards are to busy, lawful or cowardly to deal with, being acknowledged by local rebels/bandits/thiefes etc.
Brotherhood:wanted dead by companions and wanted captured but alive by imperials/ townguards, stoned when recognized by civillians or recognized as being a brotherhood sympethizer, restricted from having intimste relationships with people outside the brotherhood and put on trial/exiled or hunted if the rule is broken.
Vamparism: superhuman speed, dependant on your vampire level at the time, hightened senses of humanoid species when in range(smell of blood), sun damge from lack of feeding and especially when stepping into sun rays from trees and other forms of shelter, strong senses for presence of werewolfs.
Marriage: weekly money cost to provide for your wife ie. Food etc, occasional visits and keeping wife/ husband up to date to reasure them your safe and so they dont think your seeing someone else and leave you, and last of all letting them know your dovahkin
Werecreature: being nakef after returning to normal state, for example you could fall asleep and wake up naked with your clothes/armour beside you or in your inventory, increased speed, slightly faster than vampieres, tall , and leaves marks on the terrain, for example if you scratch a tree, building or person with your claws you can return later and damge will still b there. And higtened senses of smell (flesh/blood), sound and sight
Wanted by guard: suspicious townsfolk who sometimes shout/scream and run to a guard if theyve recognized you from a poster ( only the intelligent townsfolk who know how to read and write) if your in a public building ie tavern, guards can enter and do a random search, looking for you and you can run, fight or give in.
College of winterhold: necromancers start a random assault on the college and your notified and sent to defend it, and when your leader you can send a member to support a sqadron of companions on a mission if they require support.