Allow me to provide you an answer in the form of a question to the developers:
Is there going to be a return of RP-friendly, believable, and immersive travel methods such as sea-transport, caravans, Mages Guild teleportation, Mark/Recall spells, Intervention spells, and the like, and will they continue to provide a cost to travel, whether that be money or skill training/spell-points?
A word comes to mind... Owned.
I would like to ask:
Can we have original game ideas instead of clich?'d crap? I would love to see a few great houses around from Morrowind, and Guars. Why the hell did they remove them? They had a huge fanbase. There also needs to be flying enemies, like cliff racers, but don't spawn them everywhere like crazy to the point of absolute annoyance. Saying that, I don't want to have only recycled stuff, no matter how awesome it was from past games, you need original enemies in a game.
Will you use level scaling? I personaly would like unimportant bandits in random caves to be scaled (although certain regions should have different leveled enemies), but the powerful Daedric army that smites massive towns to not be filled with scamps at level 1. Also, NEVER add Daedric to the leveled list. It should be a rare item that you'll never likely get again (Weapons should be less rare than armour).
Will you concentrate on graphics like every other game out there, or will you concentrate on good content in the creation of a great game, and be unique in the fact that the game is awesome? Or will you concentrate on both without doing less on each?
Will you insult the fanbase in the form of a dumb cat?
Will you ignore lore outright and make jokes of serious lore?
Will there be anything about Dwarves or Akavir? (Although Dwarves should remain a mystery - I'd love if you could work in a way to be almost discovering a huge secret, but have it slip away from you)
Will you get back good looking armour?
Can the races (Not just beast races) have different bodies? I think Orcs should look more bigger and brutish, kinda like the ones in WoW.
Can we use Lutes and other musical instruments? I think if you could implement something like Ocarina of Time, t'would be awesome