I've decided to start trying new builds,and I was wondering what new races i should try,and why! I've been a nord,khajiit (my favorite) and a breton. I don't want an actual character build,just a new race to try and I will make my build from there.
I've decided to start trying new builds,and I was wondering what new races i should try,and why! I've been a nord,khajiit (my favorite) and a breton. I don't want an actual character build,just a new race to try and I will make my build from there.
I am open to any ideas! Just a cool new race to try.I've even considered making the opposite of the natural path,a khajiit tank,a orc mage, a nord sneak thief
Argonian, always had a nostalgic place in my heart for them since Morrowind. Try them, could be fun
I use pc,I don't see what that has anything to do with it.
Guess that is a matter of opinion, I played Skyrim on PC and I prefer the xbox version.
Have you tried a Bosmer heavy armoured 2H user.
Play as a Snow Elf and help the Falmer retake Skyrim.
I have no sympathy for snow elves,after they killed an entire city with thousands of men women and children in cold-blooded murder.
If you are playing on a PC and want to try something different from the mundane races, then try playing lesser daedra. There are mods for playable Aureal, Dremora and Mazken on Steam. Subscribe to both mods and always have the three additional races available to play.