My first character in every ES game is a Redguard highwayman that wears furs and leather and steals as much as he can. Every house is rich and fair game for his theiving hands. Oblivion, of course, was a disaster for him......
The race I will never play in Skyrim is Imperial. I seriously hope the Nords close the border and leave those rich snobs back where they belong. Lol.
Dunmer. I always play as a Dunmer. The best race for a balanced magic/stealth character. Also, they just look BA. Thankfully, they aren't British this time around. Raspy smoker voices ftw!
You have to take into account in Morrowind they were in their homeland. In Oblivion most of them were from Cyrodil thus having a different acccent.
I think my point from a thread long ago has finally been proven for anyone who foolishly doubted it. Argonians are hands down the best TES race.
The only reason they're behind Nords is because people have OCD and must first play the native race for the region the game is set in or they'll have a seizure.
This isn't a competition to see which race is most popular. The OP is simply asking which race people are playing as first.
Nord: As I want to be a hero character first Ill be very charismatic and the villagers will love me. I will be a strong tall blonde man who loves to get into a fight. Ill use a shield and one handed mace or sword. If im feeling angry ill role with a 2h weapon and go all out beserker. Ill shout at everything! (even inanimate objects)
1st Playthrough Imperial.(Great Great Great grandson of my OB Imperial) 2nd Dunmer.(Great Great Granddaughter of my Dunmer in OB) 3rd Altmer.(Son of my Altmer in OB yeah hes gonna be old and have a beard!) 4th Orc.(No relation to my OB orc.) 5th Nord (Need to make up a story for him tough, all the other ones have got their story worked out.)
It will really depend on what bonuses each race gets, but I will probably play Breton like in Oblivion. The magica bonus is invaluable, and other things like skills can be earned.
The race I will never play in Skyrim is Imperial. I seriously hope the Nords close the border and leave those rich snobs back where they belong. Lol.
HEY! Don't talk that way about Elendil! Your making him sad! He might be a rich retired snob now but he used to do allot of things! Seeing as I have finished pretty much everything there is to do :rolleyes:
Dunmer all the freakin' way. I'm going to bring lightning down on the Argonians for what they did to mah people. (you could say we're even for the whole slavery thing, but you guys tilted the balance a bit.) (somehow) (I don't know how) (did it just get cold?)
Altmer fan here. I always kinda liked their snooty atitude in Oblivion especially. I think for certain ones (Ancotar, for instance) the silly elf voice suited them quite well.
I'll probably play an Imperial, a Bosmer and an Argonian, and never play a Breton. My TES tradition
Nord specializing in full combat supported by restoration & destruction style magics. Then once I have played enough I will make a Khajiit or a wood elf who is a stealth, thief assassin with bow.