» Fri May 27, 2011 3:08 pm
Depends a bit on the story and any racial bonuses/attributes that may be new to the series. But most likely one of the following:
? Redguard (Warrior)
? Altmer (Battlemage)
? Dunmer (Balanced)
? Nord (Tank)
I'll eventually play all of those builds I'm sure, and most likely I'll start with either the Altmer or the Dunmer... Unless the story is very Nord-based, or the combat system gets an overhaul.
At some point I'll aslo play as a Bosmer Ranger, an Argonian Nightblade, and a Breton Paladin. I'm not too interested in playing as an Orc, Khajiit, or Imperial, though I may fiddle around a bit with some/all of those races when I get bored enough of my other characters.