My Oblivion character (without being frozen in carbonite for ~200 years) will be my Skyrim character thanks to Altmer longevity. Why, initially, an Altmer? 'Cause I supposedly look like an elf and the magicka bonus was appealing. Not sure why, but making the character look like me makes it easier to RP.
Dunmer, and for much of the same reason that this guy said. Except it isn't only the Altmer who are long lived, most all of the Mer are as well. And my Dumner in Oblivion is a highly accomplished Assassin & Mage, so... yeah, he's still kickin' 200 years later. lol Magic has kept him young.
But definitely playing as a Dunmer, the whole mood surrounding them as a race fits me pretty well, and thus they are my favorite race to play.
For a second play-through, I'll probably go with a Nord (read: tank...) Warrior. I'm originally from Germany, and we have traced my Family Line back through the centuries all the way back to Norway and the Vikings, so Nords have always held a special place in my heart as well.
Welcome the return and revitalization of the Asatru!