I'm not on about the "best" race in terms of starting stats or abilities, but rather what is the most fun race to play as in people's opinions.
I'm not on about the "best" race in terms of starting stats or abilities, but rather what is the most fun race to play as in people's opinions.
Really? Why?
So far, the race I've gotten farthest (in terms of levels) with is a Dark Elf.
Nord for me. I like how they look, I like their lore, I like their passive ability and I can do with the activated one. And my favorite armor is nordic in style. After that I like the Dunmer, for much the same reasons.
So, if were talking about the previous or next TES, would Nords still be your favourite or are they only your favourite because of being in Skyrim?
I enjoy playing as the elven races, personally. All three of them.
Any race except Nord, Argonian, Khajiit, Breton, Redguard, Altmer, Bosmer, Orc or Dunmer.
There are four playable elven races in Elder Scrolls. Well, at least since Morrowind.
They're elves?
Oh. So they are indeed. Still, they aren't really elf like, are they?
They don't resemble the other elves much anymore, but they are elves still. They are the changes ones, after Boethia "ate" Trinimac and he became Malacath. I think they were a lot more like the Altmer before that happened.
Plus their culture isn't elven like at all, is it? I never looked at Orc much.
Well, "elven" culture includes some major opposites, looking at the Altmer and the Dunmer. It's like saying human culture, when there are some major differences between the cultures of the different humans. Orcish culture is orcish culture, which currently seem to be a mix of hunter/gatherer transitioning into more agriculture and a warrior tradition. In the strongholds at least. No idea how Orsinuim is these days.
I always play my fun loving lizards who always seem to be in trouble.
I've never played as anything but elven (not including Orsimer) or human races, so no lizards. Are they any good? I might next...
Histskin is a life saver. Aside from that they play just like all the other races,
Orcs for me. I like redguards and orcs about equally, but I seem to get more attached to my orc characters, they consistently reach higher levels. Redguards are fun too though, don't get me wrong.
Funnily enough my highest levelling orc (and character in general) was a light bodied stealthy archer enchant master, not your typical two handed brute (although two handing is my favourite playstyle).
All the races play the same, bar a few comments from NPCs. I was referring to the role-playing aspect, because if you actually role-play then each race is very different.
well the ONLY two races I have played are Argonian and Khajiit haha. reason being I just feel the human races are too boring for this kind of game and have never been fan of elves in any game.
So argonian it is.