What Role-Playing have you done and not done?

Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:42 pm

Role-Playing I have done:

Energy Weapons + Power Armor Troopers.
B.O.S. Paladin
Enclave Remnant's Revenge Trooper
NCR Ranger
Sniper + Thief
Gambler + Mr. House Supporter
Mormon missionary
Legion Soldier/ Frumentarri
Role Playing I have not done

Non-Combat build
Melee only build
Melee + Explosives only build
Unarmed build
Explosives only build
High Charisma + Speech build
Kill everyone build
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Anna Watts
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:44 pm

I haven't tried a Thief build yet.. I really want to give it a shot. Just go around breaking into peoples homes, or better yet just stealing stuff out of there pockets. :ph34r:
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kristy dunn
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:55 pm

I haven't done any to be honest. Though I am planning on roleplaying as Charlton Heston for my hardcoe playthrough. I was recently inspired to do it after seeing The Omega Man again.
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Ian White
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:09 pm

Town Drunk

Town Drunk

S - 9
P - 3
E - 10
C - 7
I - 2
A - 6
L - 3

You're naturally strong and can take some serious punishment (the booze helps with that somewhat). The booze over a long time has made you a friendlier person (and people enjoy your drunken exploits) and you've learned how to make the booze loosen you up instead of making you stumble everywhere. However, every other aspect of your life has suffered greatly thanks to your addiction.

Traits: Heavy Handed, Wild Wasteland (you're a clumsy fighter and can't knock someone out in one hit, but in a long fight the enemy won't know what hit'em; and you see and hear crazy stuff all the time)

Tag Skills: Melee, Unarmed, Survival (no one in their right mind would sell you a gun or rent you a room so you had to learn to make due)


Lvl 2 - Hunter
Lvl 4 - Travel Light
Lvl 6 - Bloody Mess/Toughness
Lvl 8 - Super Slam
Lvl 10 - Finesse/Animal Friend
Lvl 12 - Piercing Strike
Lvl 14 - Purifier/Adamantium Skeleton
Lvl 16 - Unstoppable Force
Lvl 18 - Paralyzing Palm
Lvl 20 - Grim Reaper's Sprint/Ninja (if you become a sneaky drunk)
Lvl 22 - Purifier/Adamantium Skeleton
Lvl 24 - Slayer (assuming agility implant)/Animal Friend
Lvl 26 - Nerves of Steel
Lvl 28 - Bloody Mess/Toughness/Action Boy
Lvl 30 - Bloody Mess/Toughness/Action Boy

You must always be addicted to alcohol (players choice of booze). Cass may be picked up as a companion for the perk as a mentor of sorts on how to drink.

You may only buy the agility implant. No others.

Money must be spent on booze first and foremost. Meaning when you get to a shop, you buy all the booze they have (if they have any) FIRST. All things secondary. Even if it means you can no longer buy what you were originally after or you might potentially starve or thirst to death. Such is the price of your addiction. I strongly recommend relying on survival to supply your needs though. You also never drop, sell, or are out of arms reach of a bottle (unless you drank your last drop). You must pick up all booze you see (unless it would be stealing and your sneak score isn't high enough).

You will be hurting for skill points. Invest in your tag skills first and foremost.

You may only sleep after you have drunk 3 or 4 (or 5 or 6 if you prefer) bottles in a 24 hour period which will constitute passing out after the last bottle. 8-12 bottles if beer is the drink of choice.

Karma: Player choice. I have started you out as an "amusing drunk". Whether you go to "obnoxious drunk" or "beloved drunk" is up to you.
Good character for unarmed
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:06 am

I'm in the middle to end game of playing a nonkill role play. Well a one kill, I couldn't be nice enough to Dean not to have killed him. Made me sad. Maybe I'll go kill One so I can complete that mission in the big MT. Two kills isn't to much is it
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James Wilson
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:16 pm

Town Drunk

Town Drunk

S - 9
P - 3
E - 10
C - 7
I - 2
A - 6
L - 3

You're naturally strong and can take some serious punishment (the booze helps with that somewhat). The booze over a long time has made you a friendlier person (and people enjoy your drunken exploits) and you've learned how to make the booze loosen you up instead of making you stumble everywhere. However, every other aspect of your life has suffered greatly thanks to your addiction.

Traits: Heavy Handed, Wild Wasteland (you're a clumsy fighter and can't knock someone out in one hit, but in a long fight the enemy won't know what hit'em; and you see and hear crazy stuff all the time)

Tag Skills: Melee, Unarmed, Survival (no one in their right mind would sell you a gun or rent you a room so you had to learn to make due)


Lvl 2 - Hunter
Lvl 4 - Travel Light
Lvl 6 - Bloody Mess/Toughness
Lvl 8 - Super Slam
Lvl 10 - Finesse/Animal Friend
Lvl 12 - Piercing Strike
Lvl 14 - Purifier/Adamantium Skeleton
Lvl 16 - Unstoppable Force
Lvl 18 - Paralyzing Palm
Lvl 20 - Grim Reaper's Sprint/Ninja (if you become a sneaky drunk)
Lvl 22 - Purifier/Adamantium Skeleton
Lvl 24 - Slayer (assuming agility implant)/Animal Friend
Lvl 26 - Nerves of Steel
Lvl 28 - Bloody Mess/Toughness/Action Boy
Lvl 30 - Bloody Mess/Toughness/Action Boy

You must always be addicted to alcohol (players choice of booze). Cass may be picked up as a companion for the perk as a mentor of sorts on how to drink.

You may only buy the agility implant. No others.

Money must be spent on booze first and foremost. Meaning when you get to a shop, you buy all the booze they have (if they have any) FIRST. All things secondary. Even if it means you can no longer buy what you were originally after or you might potentially starve or thirst to death. Such is the price of your addiction. I strongly recommend relying on survival to supply your needs though. You also never drop, sell, or are out of arms reach of a bottle (unless you drank your last drop). You must pick up all booze you see (unless it would be stealing and your sneak score isn't high enough).

You will be hurting for skill points. Invest in your tag skills first and foremost.

You may only sleep after you have drunk 3 or 4 (or 5 or 6 if you prefer) bottles in a 24 hour period which will constitute passing out after the last bottle. 8-12 bottles if beer is the drink of choice.

Karma: Player choice. I have started you out as an "amusing drunk". Whether you go to "obnoxious drunk" or "beloved drunk" is up to you.
Good character for unarmed

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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:06 pm

That Town drunk is similar to my current character in that he is always drinking. My current character has a penchant for Gambling, Booze, a sharp Viva Las Vegas! suit and .45 pistols.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:00 pm


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Toby Green
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:14 pm

Town drunk wins the thread.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:17 am

I'm in the middle to end game of playing a nonkill role play. Well a one kill, I couldn't be nice enough to Dean not to have killed him. Made me sad. Maybe I'll go kill One so I can complete that mission in the big MT. Two kills isn't to much is it

My next play through will be a non-combat play through. Fighting with companions with maxed speech +charisma, using "silly" weapons like the golden boxing gloves, cattle prod, compliance regulator, boxing tape, BB gun.
Character has a temper and is a smart ass, funny and loves to pull pranks. Likes to hang out with the Kings, wears a King's outfit with the shirt and jeans + sunglasses.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:05 am

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Wayne W
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:30 pm


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Judy Lynch
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:34 pm

My last game I was roleplaying as an ex-security guard from Vault 34.

I'm currently planning and testing a junkie build, but I'm not sure what weapon would be most effective whilst under the influence of turbo. I managed to take out Cazadoors and Giant Radscorps at level 4 with Chance's knife (and 25 melee skill) after pumping myself with drugs, so I think I might go down that route early on until I have enough ammo to make SMG usage fun. But my one true love has always been the shotgun... I see myself eventually picking up Dinner Bell and grabbing Shotgun Surgeon no matter what.
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:06 pm

I haven't done any to be honest. Though I am planning on roleplaying as Charlton Heston for my hardcoe playthrough. I was recently inspired to do it after seeing The Omega Man again.

That'd be pretty easy, just yell passionately and slug people in the face a lot.
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