» Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:25 am
if u are serious in making a masterpiece mod, i got the perfect idea. before i tell ya, ive been looking for these two mods and cant seem to find them yet,
True Death. Character dies gameover. no loading saves. u lose. start over
can only save in cities or houses that are safe from enemies (enemies are near radius)
fix skill constelations, certain races can only do certain skills. 1 perk every 3 levels, or where skills that are not related take 4 times as long to level, also fix the starting health, mana, and stamina accordingly
all decisions are final. no re loading due to storyline, merchant, murder, bounty situations and so on.
break five lockpicks on one lock and the lock breaks. no reloading either
thats all i can think of right now, HARDCOR will keep them scared. lol
Darker Nights and Dungeons Mod
pretty obvious
right now im really enjoying the game, but the game has a linear aspect. everybody wins with quick saving before situations, then reloading when shiiit doesnt go well.