All i have done is lurk the forums, i have school, but i lurk the forums there to :hubbahubba: What do i do, im insane, mad CRAZY I TELL YOU. Please Reply to my thread with some, funny asinine, unrealistic, illogical, and flat out crazy ways to get your mind off brink. Also, under your insane post, tell us what your favorite aspect of the game is, it may be an aspect no one has really thought of, or maybe noticed, and it would make us all very happy

This is purely a topic for fun

i hope it will make some people laugh but for a few moments, and reduce their agony but a little.
Here's something you could do: Go on a mass murder spree, induced by a fear of pirates, caused by child hood trauma at a theme park. Therefore you only kill people with eye-patches, or a prosthetic leg, and keep the working eye, or working leg, in your freezer as a trophy.