It does, but I suspect they don't do it for the same reasons I would guess they never did non-speech based speech checks in TES, at least not since before Morrowind. I would guess its also the same reason they have never done things like STR requirements for guns/swords in Fallout 3/4/Skyrim.
The more things you stack onto a singular system, such as weapon efficiency from the sword/gun example, the more you end up devaluing all the stats involved. In a case where you have just a 1-100 weapon skill that determines how well a weapon works, each 1 level of skill increase gives a 1% increase to weapon efficiency, since its the only thing that determines weapon efficiency. When you add STR into the mix, now each point adds only .5% because now you need both 100 skill level, and 100 STR.(assuming we are talking about a end game gun/sword that needs 100 in each to work with 100% efficiency. Obviously the ratio will be different if you only need like 75 in STR, but 100 in the weapon skill).
The speech skill is largely the same way, the more stats you add into the "effect speech checks" category, the more you devalue the speech skill, or in this case the charisma stat + its perks, by making it increasingly less the factor that determines if a speech check is successful or not. To make matters worse, those perks/stats do their own things on top of helping you pass speech checks, so that only further makes them more valuable then the speech skill overall. The speech skill just helps you with speech checks, but these others stats/perks do their own stat/perk stuff, on top of helping you pass a number of speech checks.
RPGs in general have had people complaining that skills/stats/perks aren't powerful enough, or that skill/stat/perk increases weren't powerful enough. In response to this, game devs have largely been removing this stacking redundancy, and keeping each thing in its own box, so that each thing will be able to get the maximum power it could, and each increase to that thing means the most it could, since its the only thing that does w/e it does, in order to make each stat/stat increase.
They could add in other stat checks, but they don't because those stats do their own things already, and the speech skill(Skyrim), or Charisa(Fo4) already exist to do those things. This is also evident in things like Dragon Age, where the coercion skill is basically the only thing that matters in speech checks, and in Mass Effect where paragon/renegade score is really the only thing that matters for speech checks.
Obviously there are some exclusions, when theres just NO logical means to explain how a speech skill would pass the check, such as the case of the int checks for fixing the electronics on the USS Constitution, but those are usually kept to as much of a minimum as possible to maintain the charisma stat in a high powered state.
It makes that entire line of argument entirely bunk because in all cases where theres some "obvious solution" that " anyone with barebones understanding of these thing" always end up being just as bad as it was before which isn't a progression forward, its just turning the wheel in the mud.
That kind of argument is nothing more then misplaced arrogance that you can somehow do better then people who have been doing it for 20+ years.