Ancient Nord, the Armour of her ancestors
Ancient Nord, the Armour of her ancestors
Azhidal is calling, He has Armor worthy for a Nord who follows the Old Ways (if you have Dragonborn).
pffftt... We are the epitome of Jesus mode. We hover over water like a boss.
Saviour's Hide. That armor is super sixy on females.
Daedric armor or Nightingale armor is what I'd wear if I were a woman in Skyrim. Or Ancient Shrouded armor, it would make your character look very light, agile, and fatally attractive .
Ancient Nord definitely. Or perhaps Nordic Carved. Unless, you want to show some skin apparently.
It depends. I made a Nord warrior as a spin off of Red Sonja, that only wore a circlet, necklace, ring, boots and gauntlets.