Any suggestions will do except for pc armour/clothing. Xbox user.
Anything. Even no armour/clothing will do.
Also do you think she is good looking. I cant fit it on the poll because my stupid phone.
What your savage Nord should wear is the armor of her ancestors whom she should at least attempt to emulate. A cultured race of Warriors who weren't misguided heretical savages. Bonus if she actually aspires to the old ways and frees me from Valdar's wicked ward, so that I may guide her along the proper path to salvation.
It's a shame you're not on PC.
You should soul trap Valdar after you kill me. Then wear my mask so I can live through her. Together we can restore the Dragon cult.
What are her skills? Based on the background I'd say Ancient Nord Armor if she uses Heavy Armor.
If by non-savage you mean she doesn't fight then I guess any regular clothing would work.
Sounds like you need to do the quest 'Siege on the Dragon Cult'.
I was actually thinking about something similar for awhile. Basically my character would get hypnotized by Hevnoraak and kill Valdar's spirit instead. Then have Hevnoraak follow me around along with a few Draugr giving me orders on the go. Or something along those lines, lol.
By non-savage it means she does not worship heretical mortal heroes as gods. She denounces the heresy of Talos and rightfully acknowledges the authority of Alduin, Firstborn of Akatosh. She is honored, cultured, and does not solve her problems while intoxicated on crappy mead.
I can do that without killing him. I could literally make him follow me with console commands and then role-play that he's giving me orders.
So ... she wants the world to end so she can live on nothing? That's almost as bad as the AD's ultimate goals. Oh well ...
Overlord Alduin seeks to take his rightful place as ultimate ruler of this world which is his. Were it not for misguided Dragonborns whom are decieved by heathen heretics, Alduin would not need to got to such extremes.
and yet, he does.
I say let your girl go naked. She needs to die as quickly as possible.
Because a misguided, savage, and arrogant Dragonborn does force his hand. But I have no fear, for Alduin cannot truly be slain. And when he returns, his most faithful wil be rewarded in the next kalpa if need be!
I think it would be healthy not to continue playing :S
What? That isn't her in your avatar pic? Dang she's hot.