What should my Health, Stamina, and Magicka be?

Post » Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:27 am

I'm just wondering if there is some kind of table showing what the sum of all of those specs should be at any given level without any modifications. To be specific, I'd like to know what it would be at level 44 if you don't have access to a table of some sorts. Thanks in advanced.

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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:06 pm

If they were equal?

You'd have 430 Health if you only cared about that.
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:12 am

So what should the sum of all of those levels be at? And is there a table available somewhere that shows me this info for every level? I just want to know because I edited those values in the past and I want to make sure I took modifiers into consideration when doing so.

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Charlotte X
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Post » Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:42 pm

There really isn't any "should be" in this game. The Elder Scrolls games aren't like MMOs, where everyone strives for the optimum cookie-cutter "build" in order to stay competitive. Do whatever feels right to you. In fact one of the small delights in these games is making eccentric characters just for the fun of it. I played a Mage with 100 magicka but lots of Stamina and a Warrior with 100 Health but lots of Magicka. Be creative. :)

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Becky Cox
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Post » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:14 pm

Isn't it 10 points per level without taking into account stats from gear? you ding a level you put it in magicka or health or stamina and whichever one you decide to raise goes up 10 points. I'm not in game right now so i cant double check, but i'm pretty sure thats how it was. So level 44 if equal across all three would be points = 15 / 14 / 14 or the actual values 250 / 240 / 240. Or 100 / 530 / 100 if you decide to dump it all into health. Or 330 / 300 / 100 if you decide to go for a cap of 300 health and start putting the rest into magicka.

Remember you start out as level 1 with 100/100/100 and when you hit level 2 then you have your first chance to bump up one stat by 10. So by the time you hit 44 you will have had 43 points to put into either magicka, health or stamina. Are you just trying to figure this out for yourself or you making some sort of table? From what i've seen based on what 'class' type you choose to play you get your health to an acceptable level then you start putting the rest into your magicka. If you are pure melee you ignore magicka and stamina. If you decide to play a mage i think 300 is the amount of hp you want for the harder difficulties then you start putting the rest into magicka. In fact everything i've read about stat distribution says you can ignore stamina.

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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:52 pm

Starting at 100 each ( 300 ) and using 10 per level, starting at level 2, that comes to 430 + 300 = 730 total by level 44.

I'm not 100% clear on what the OP is asking here.

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