I am going to put a weak enchantment on it just so I can rename it.
A beautiful weapon for a beautiful woman.
Please suggest what I should rename it.
Edit: I would also like suggestions for naming her Nord Hero Sword and Nord Hero Bow.
Name it...
I'm jk. (Not about killing thalmor, that you should always do )
How about "Hel" This is the name of the giantess who was goddess of death.
hmm, if the weapon is supposed to be effective against elves, maybe Elfbane? Or how about +5 Battleaxe of greater Elf Bane (anyone who gets the reference gets +2 internet cookies)?
For the sword, if it has a flame enchantment, how about Excaliburn?
that would be a could name it if had a fear enchantment, would not work for a fire enchantment though. (can you tell i like fire
So how about naming the axe...
Michaelpk! eh? EH?
Or maybe.....
The axe that axes!
hm, how about Arm of Talos?
How about "Choppy"?
Or "Chopper"?
Or "Cleaver"?
Or "Sword of Surprise", the surprise is that it is an axe, not a sword. It will catch enemies off guard.
ha nice
How about Boudicca or one of her other name spellings? She was also a redhead warrior woman and the queen of a Celtic tribe who fought against the Romans (Empire) so it seems to fit in nice with the new sixy savage Kath.
Nahkroz. Which means "avenger." It is of draconic style, and it's "replica's" construction was for the purpose of avengement. Seems fitting and proper.
Wuuthrad is one of the better looking axes in the game, I just can't stand the way battleaxes are equipped on the body. It's like he head is in the middle of the back, and the handle sticks way over the characters head. An unenchanted version of the Rueful Axe would be cool, though.
Well, women are usually jealous of each of other, so:
Axe of Endless LAment, Unending Plunder and Years Of Unimaginable Rauaging and Slaughter
Seriously, just give the damn thing a name.
I'm making nordic carved armor right now to go with it, id give you the set if i could. Its not even for myself. (why oh why isn't there a light nordic armor ;_;?)
Name the Axe.. Ben Dover... I know, I know.. old joke.. kidding..
Not good at names for axes, but something like Killmaim might work..
As for a Sword and Bow.. I've always liked "Anglachel" for a sword and "Belthronding" for a bow (Both wielded by an elf-friend named Beleg Cúthalion, from a book titled the "Silmarilen" By JRR Tolkien which was some of his background work that wasn't written into "The Hobbit" or "Lord of the Rings" which his son finished)
I'm not the best at naming weapons but here goes.
Sword - Virtue
Bow - Fatality