One of my characters is a Khajiit Thief who uses archery, light armor, sneak and one handed in combat.
Being my first char when I first started my Skyrim adventures back in February 2012 , I actually didn't know much about the game because Skyrim is my first ES game and I went on doing every single quest on my khajiit even though it didn't "fit" a thief lorewise.
I viewed my character as a mercenary, a payed assassin (joined the DB but I didn't like it because I do not consider my Khajiit to be chaotic evil.)
But ever since I joined the thieves guild I kinda wish to go into those marked houses or inns and rob some [censored]. But here comes the problem.
I have over 70k gold atm and I don't know what to do with them , I tried buying things but I also sell so I get the money back.
I know many of you will say : well that's the point of being a thief, becoming rich. Yes but I want to become rich by doing thief jobs, robbing and not by doing mercenary work.
I've retconned my character.
Some of you will say : buy all the houses so that your money goes down.
I like to own 1 or maybe 2 houses.
What is your view on this?