'Meat is definitely male GSD by default of the name alone 
As an OT:
As much as I love DM, it never ceases to baffle me in what a pristine pre-war condition your PC finds him. Did he find a way to shield himself from the rads by eating all that canned prewar dog food my PC keeps finding around the wasteland?? How is it @#$!%!?# even remotely possible for DM to look the way he does, given the 1/2 ghoulish look that ALL the other canines (Raider domesticated or feral) do in the wasteland?
Basically, how the heck did DM ever escape being irradiated??
How did the Fallout rad effects miss hitting up his gene pool so completely? <--could it be possible the rad fallout ended up removing his family jewels??
This leads me to the conspiracy theory that Vault 111 might have also cryogenically preserved dogs besides ppl. And dogs and dogs alone. Because despite the archaeological evidence of several plastic pre war pet bowls in the Commonwealth, there are ZERO mutated felines some 200 years later. And no, don't tell me their descendants got eaten by a Yao Gui or pack of DM's hillbilly feral cousins. 
Same goes for the complete lack of pet budgies/canaries/parrots ANYWHERE in the wasteland. Americans must have really, really hated having cats and pet parrots......