We won't choose major or minor skills anymore, as the class system is gone. But
I'll pick the 7 skills that I probably will focus the most on.It is not yet known if Light Armor and Speechcraft will be skills in Skyrim, but if there are one "Armor" skill and one combined Speechcraft+Mercantile skill, I will focus on Light Armor perks and persuasion perks, and a bit on merchant perks. (Assuming these kind of perks exist in the game, of course.)
SneakOne-Handed (focus on daggers, perhaps I will use an axe briefly just for the setting's sake)
AcheryIllusion (camouflaging spells, detect life?)
Light ArmorSpeechcraftDestruction (only because of channeled shock spells! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpAcanUJX7s&feature=related)
Now that you say it, he did! I will probably focus on Achemy as well, depending on how effective and fun it is to specialize in. Todd said it would be different than the last time, with more "ranger collecting herbs"-stuff (Aragorn in LotR?) since it's moved from Magic to Stealth. And that sounds promising.