Number 1 is variety. In Bloodmoon when I first met the Uderfrykte, I was impressed. It was a unique bad ass looking mofo. Nothing else looked like it in the game. Then when I found out there was an Uderfrykte Matron in Oblivion I set off for Dive Rock Immediately. I was incredibly disappointed that it was just a large troll. And I was disappointed with the other so called boss creatures being just larger whatevers. So what I say is if it has a unique name, then it gets a unique look.
Number 2 is fixing the barter system. The whole "vendors have a certain amount per transaction opposed to an actual amount of cash" is not working.
Number 3 is Companions. Do it up just like New Vegas. Companion Wheel, inventory sharing, unique quests, the works.
Number 4 is Level Scaling. No sense of being a bad-ass when bandits have Daedric, and everything levels with you.
Number 5 is fast traveling. This is tough really. A lot of people like it. A lot of people hate it. I tried to play without using it and eventually I succumbed to it. A Morrowind style travel system would be best I think. Instead of stiltstriders, maybe dog sleds.......? MUSH!
Number 6 is Werewolves. Enough said.
Thats all I can think of. Those are what I want fixed/in the game. If those are done, then its perfect to me.
Thoughts and opnions?