What if Skyrim Requires Steam?

Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:50 am

You call it selfish, and that may be so.

But have you read what others wrote? Refusing to buy the PC version, or using a similar scare tactic to persuade Bethesda to alter their plans IF Steam is currently part of their strategy. Most have said they would purchase console versions instead (those that would normally buy on PC), therefore missing out on mods. Their loss really. But some have outright refused to buy at all. If Bethesda chooses to have Steam as a requirement for DRM, so be it. They're not trying to penalize people, they're just trying to protect their work.

I'm all for not absolutely requiring Steam, but if that means requiring to have the game disc in the drive just to play, that is going to inconvinence people. Unless they decide to release a patch so people can safely put the disc away somewhere.

This has been discussed over and over, and the only thing that gets accomplished is the rehashing of the same information over and over. Why don't we just wait to see what Bethesda's plans are before people start losing sleep over this?

Not requiring steam != no steam version
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Janine Rose
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:49 am

I buy hard copies only. I don't care how mega-amazing TES V turns out to be, I flatly refuse to pay out good money to rent an intangible product. Granted, it's probably using the least invasive DRM but I'd rather have the hard copy and suffer the evils of SUX-ROM than enduring the lag infested STEAM delivery system.

I'm with you, I'm a collector in the same measure I'm a player.

Steam is a fine option ~so long as its not the only option. I am also a collector who prefers a tangible product; (more importantly one that is not tied to an online "service").

Generally I will only buy trivial/insignificant stuff via Steam; Anything that I am really concerned about, I'd never choose Steam for (unless there is just no way to find it elsewhere). I dislike having it active on my system (or even installed really). I was really ticked off (still am) that FO:NV was Steam only.

As it is I will have plenty of time to decide whether to buy it or not... I don't plan to get it for weeks or even months after it's initial release. By that time I will know exactly the game they are selling, and will have access to the first few patches.
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:51 pm

What a lot of you folks who enjoy using Steam seem to be missing is the very simple point that this survey data makes: a lot of us do not care how good Steam is or is not, we will not buy the game if it REQUIRES Steam.

Steam as one option would satisfy all respondents. It is not an argument for or against Steam it is an argument for Steam ONLY or Steam as one option.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:08 pm

well being i have a steam account and a windows live account it wouldn't really matter to me
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:01 am

I buy hard copies only. I don't care how mega-amazing TES V turns out to be, I flatly refuse to pay out good money to rent an intangible product. Granted, it's probably using the least invasive DRM but I'd rather have the hard copy and suffer the evils of SUX-ROM than enduring the lag infested STEAM delivery system.

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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:27 am

Whats wrong with Steam? I use it as my main platform, to me my pc IS steam : )
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:32 pm

Whats wrong with Steam? I use it as my main platform, to me my pc IS steam : )

For you, and thousands of others, there is nothing wrong with Steam. And that's good for you. :)

However, for thousands more (maybe tens of thousands!), Steam is terrible for a multitude of reasons. This, as I understand it, isn't a discussion of whether Steam is bad or not. It's a discussion of whether or not Skyrim will be released for the PC only through Steam, and if so, would you buy it? For me the answer is no, I would not buy Skyrim if it is released exclusively through Steam. Does that make sense? If they release it through Steam in addition to CD/DVD versions, no problem. Then you can be happy and I can be happy.

I think we just all want each other to be happy, right? :lmao:

Kumbaya, everyone! Gather around and let's sing! :D
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:07 am

For you, and thousands of others, there is nothing wrong with Steam. And that's good for you. :)

However, for thousands more (maybe tens of thousands!), Steam is terrible for a multitude of reasons. This, as I understand it, isn't a discussion of whether Steam is bad or not. It's a discussion of whether or not Skyrim will be released for the PC only through Steam, and if so, would you buy it? For me the answer is no, I would not buy Skyrim if it is released exclusively through Steam. Does that make sense? If they release it through Steam in addition to CD/DVD versions, no problem. Then you can be happy and I can be happy.

I think we just all want each other to be happy, right? :lmao:

Kumbaya, everyone! Gather around and let's sing! :D

Well of course i will buy Skgrim regardless, how ever I am still curious as to why so many people dislike Steam? I know we have our tastes but I just don't see what could be wron with Steam. Automatic updates, fast downloads, instant access to any game that you want (thats available) and instant access to midnight releases. It has great features such as screnshots now, and group support, built in browsers a nice friends list and so much more. What is it out of all these and more that people don't like about Steam? : /
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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:40 pm

@ Gandler and those who share your love of Steam: for your sake, I hope it is available to you via Steam.

For my sake and those who share my disinterest in using Steam, I also hope it is available via other means that do not involve installation of the Steam client app or networking to the Steam servers in order to play the game.

I hope we can agree, more options for us as gamers is better than fewer. Those of you who love Steam should have the option to buy and play the game that way. Those of us who do not want to participate in Steam should have other options.

The fact that something like 25 to 40% of us do not want to have to use Steam is no justification for the game to be made not available via Steam.

However, the fact that something like 30 to 40% of you love Steam and will buy it perhaps _because_ it is available on Steam is no justification for the game to be made only available via Steam, in the way FONV, Civ5, etc. have recently been distributed.

I agree, the last ES game (Oblivion) was released in a non Steam version so its possible this one will. I should not have said requires I mean I hope it supports Steam.

That's rather selfish of you. And of course Skyrim will be available on Steam no matter if it require it or not.

Again I meant to say I hope it has Steam support instead of requires, that was a typo. But either way its my opinion and I am stating it in a public forum and I will buy the Steam version no matter what so how is that selfish? And what is wrong with Steam I have played OB on Steam and non Steam and there is no difference. Steam is just a lot easier to purchase it and you don't have to worry about discs. What is the point of physical copies of files in a digital age?
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:00 pm

Well I will purchase the game regardless of the situation concerning Steam, though if offered on Steam I will buy it there as that is my preference, and buying it from Steam will probably make more cash go Beth's way than buying it retail.
As to if I think Beth will require Steam, no idea, though I guess I can say that I hope not to support those of you who wish your retail versions to be Steam free :D.
Though TBH I wouldn't mind seeing them getting on with other digital distribution services as well as Steam even though Steam is my favorite I guess we need more alternatives for those that are not big fans of Steam because like it or not, digital distribution is the future.
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:16 pm

If you are a true TES fan, it shouldn't matter.
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:16 pm

If you are a true TES fan, it shouldn't matter.

What he said ;D
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:28 pm

I know what windows is. What I'm saying is it must be hard only having Windows installed and not having any other software because it requires you to install a 3rd party software just so you can use it. As in DX9/10/11 is needed to run most games. That's 3rd party. Without it you couldn't run most games. Flash and Java and DivX codecs are all 3rd party software that helps internet pages work, but I bet you have no problem with them?? The drivers that come with your harddrive/CPU/GPU are all, you guessed it, 3rd party. So drop the nonsense and come up with a real reason.

I don't buy a file to be run by another program. Thats all java programs are, files to be run by the jvm, and thats why I don't like java.
And I won't install a client that enables me to play a game. Everything you mentioned isn't a client that controls your access to a game, its a tool used by the game.

I also have a problem having my game, that I legitimately purchased, being rented to me. With steam, you can install so long as your account says you have it, what if something happens to your account? Then you lose your games. Sure, it usually only happens to people who do something stupid like give out their information. But I refuse to purchase a game for rent.

For you, and thousands of others, there is nothing wrong with Steam. And that's good for you. :)

However, for thousands more (maybe tens of thousands!), Steam is terrible for a multitude of reasons. This, as I understand it, isn't a discussion of whether Steam is bad or not. It's a discussion of whether or not Skyrim will be released for the PC only through Steam, and if so, would you buy it? For me the answer is no, I would not buy Skyrim if it is released exclusively through Steam. Does that make sense? If they release it through Steam in addition to CD/DVD versions, no problem. Then you can be happy and I can be happy.

I think we just all want each other to be happy, right? :lmao:

Kumbaya, everyone! Gather around and let's sing! :D

Agreed brother. :hugs:
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:23 am

I hope it requires Steam, I love Steam. I play all my games through Steam.

Not all my games, but most of my games. I agree with this.

Yes, it has issues, but it has more benefits than disadvantages. I'd love the ability to install and play TES:V on as many computers as I wish, and always having access to it.
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:48 pm

Not all my games, but most of my games. I agree with this.

Yes, it has issues, but it has more benefits than disadvantages. I'd love the ability to install and play TES:V on as many computers as I wish, and always having access to it.
Why would you hope that it requires Steam ~as opposed to just having a Steam version available?
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:54 pm

If Steam is used any way, shape or form than I'll think long and hard about it. More than likley I'll stick with the XBox version and forgo the PC version, as I would buy both if Steam wasn't involved.

This has been discussed and I've given my opinion on why I despise Steam.

To sum it up, Steam has no business on my computer.
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:28 pm

Buy it?
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Bethany Short
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:00 pm

closed to review.

Okay, did a little judicious pruning. Here's the deal - if the only thing you can think of to add in this thread involves a personal insult or flame, or some half-assed statement that can be construed as advocating piracy - then don't post.

Some people like Steam, some people don't - I think we can manage to discuss the reasons why civilly - most of you have done so.
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:32 am

If you want to use a website that utilises Java, then you HAVE to have Java. It doesn't ADD anything to it, it's just THERE. It just "allows" you to go on said website.
If you want to watch a video in Xvid or DivX, you HAVE to have either DivX or Xvid installed. It doesn't ADD anything to it, it's just THERE. It just "allows" you to watch said video.
If you want to use Wrye Bash for Oblivion you HAVE to have Python installed. It doesn't ADD anything to it, it's just THERE. It just "allows" you to use Wrye Bash.

Those are TERRIBLE examples! Having DivX, Python, Java and all that actually add functionality that software needs to run... and that's fine. Skyrim doesn't need Steam to run, or else you'd need to have Steam on the Xbox or Playstation. Remove Steam from the picture and you wouldn't lose any functionality and the game would run fine. That's ONE of the problems I have with Steam.

Again, you're still bent on the idea that someone said that 3rd party software was bad. 3rd party software that acts as a OBLIGATORY middle-man for another software... now THAT's bad.

If you buy a blu-ray player for your PC, you HAVE to have some software installed to watch the blu-rays. Most come bundled with one, but that's not the point.

Those are drivers... 1st party, still. By 1st party, I'm not saying Microsoft, but whoever built your blu-ray player.

If you but a game with any form of DRM, then you HAVE to use that software.
I presume you've bought games with DRM before?? Oblivion and Morrowind and Fallout 3 being prime examples, seeing as this is the BGS forums.

The only reason why you HAVE to use it is because it was programmed this way... which svcks. It svcks just as much as having it ONLY on Steam, for example. Don't mistake a CD check for DRM. Oblivion had a CD check. Nothing more. I'm pretty sure Morrowind is the same. Fallout 3, on the other hand, uses SecureRom, I think.

Now, you might say, "You'd rather have another form of DRM than Steam? What's so different?" Yes... or better yet, none at all. The difference is that I don't like Steam... like you might not like another form of DRM. I didn't have any problems with SecureRom, particularly when playing Fallout 3. Am I suggesting that they go with that instead? No, not really. However, if Bethesda releases a Steam version and a DVD version with SecureRom... I'd buy the DVD.

Yes, I hate Steam that much.

The point I'm making is that a lot of other things need some other software in order to run. And Steam does a lot of things besides just "allowing" you to play the game.

Yes, but none of the extra that Steam provide I need or want... other than the ability to run Skyrim. Which is the issue at hand, if it does end up being this way. I want the ability to run Skyrim... without Steam.

That's true. What I wanted to point was, Valve deserves some respect as a game developer. Their service was made for PC gamers with game developers in mind.

Oh hey! I totally respect Valve despite the fact that Gabe Newell treats my platform of choice like trash. Valve makes some awesome games! Left 4 Dead is a blast to play (possibly my favourite Valve game). Whatever their intent was for Steam, that doesn't automatically make it good. That also doesn't mean that's how the industry should be heading either.

Microsoft is an awesome company too... they make good software and they support a lot of gamers with the Xbox and DirectX technology. They svck at making operating systems and web browsers but other than that, they're pretty good. Despite that, I can honestly say that Internet Explorer svcks. Just like Adobe Flash svcks... despite the fact that I can't live without Photoshop.

Anyways, I've said plenty on the subject already.
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:16 am

i would love to have it like the old days where it was just a keygen or even better yet the publishers didnt treat everyone like thieves. that being said, of all the DRMs available, STEAM is the best of the bunch. for people having issues with STEAM running i can guarantee you its a software conflict and there is a list of the softwares on the STEAM forums. this happened to a modder with fallout new vegas recently. i cant really blame STEAM for that entirely cause most of the software on the list is either very intrusive or obscure.

some people sound like the GFWL people that ran around claiming they bought 10 copies for them and their buddies and that they werent going to buy (insert game here) if it didnt have GFWL. talk about being overly dramatic.

i HATE tages with their stupid intall limits. i have played games that use it though and just make sure its completely uninstalled after i remove the game. its not rocket science. STEAM will not eat your children, it will not steal your wife away from you, and im pretty darn sure its not a ploy by SKYNET to take over the worlds computers.

what is so hard about using steam for the period of time that you play skyrim and then simply removing it afterwards. *hint* STEAM has an uninstall button *end hint*

if your upset because its forcing DRM......well then i guess there are alot of games that you wont be playing. good luck with that attitude.

if you think bethesda has sold its soul then you shouldnt be buying their games even if they werent using any DRM simply cause they sold out to microsoft and now release DLC on the 360 before everyone else. really......STEAM is a bigger issue than making half their customer base wait months longer?

i do wish bethesda would release a DRM free disk version, if for no other reason than letting the consumera prove that we will buy the game because its a great game. oblivion didnt have DRM and it sold like 80 billion copies. if they release a DRM free version and it doesnt sell as many copies as oblivion did then i will keep my mouth shut about future games. right now though i have faith in most consumers.
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:07 pm

i would love to have it like the old days where it was just a keygen or even better yet the publishers didnt treat everyone like thieves.

It's not anyone treating anyone like thieves... it's a company simply doing what it can to protect what it publishes. Consider that 100 personnel dedicated a good 5 years developing something, I respect that they want to try and select the best choice to protect it, whether they use Steam or not.

i do wish bethesda would release a DRM free disk version, if for no other reason than letting the consumera prove that we will buy the game because its a great game. ~~ right now though i have faith in most consumers.

I don't see that happening. That just isn't as good of a solution for publishers as it was in the past. ~~ Faith in most consumers? I wouldn't trust anybody .
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:14 pm

I would much rather have Steam than Games For Windows USA Live any day.
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:01 am

It's not anyone treating anyone like thieves... it's a company simply doing what it can to protect what it publishes. Consider that 100 personnel dedicated a good 5 years developing something, I respect that they want to try and select the best choice to protect it, whether they use Steam or not.

The problem is, it doesn't work. NOTHING works. There has to be a better way to protect software than to install more software that isn't needed and not wanted.
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:56 pm

From what I've seen, if a new release game can be bought on steam, that game is steam exclusive......maybe its part of the deal companies have to sign to make their game a steam game, i dunno.....but I cant think of a single game that has come out on steam on release day that isnt steam exclusive.

For all the people that say they wont buy it cause it on steam......you are lying to yourself, the same thing happened with New Vegas, everyone saying they are boycotting the game.....but a lot still went and bought it.

Personally I'm a steam user, for a DRM it is very useful.

EDIT: ON the note that it doesnt stop priracy...

No DRM is %100 foolproof, however steam is currently the more accepted way to DRM your game, it stops casual pirates and game sharing between friends.....and because so amny games use steam now, if you already have steam installed for a previous game (if you dont have steam you'd missed alot of good stuff), there is no drawback for the user and they dont have to install another background DRM.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:09 am

I'd have to think long and hard before deciding to pass on it.
da mage: Dragon Age 2.
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