» Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:42 am
I favor silenced sniper platforms, so my usual progression is Varmint Rifle + silencer --> Ratslayer --> Sniper Rifle + suppressor, but with GRA the AMR with a suppressor may also be worth a look.
It also depends on how wealthy you are. Don't forget that no matter what you're shooting, you're shooting caps. Ratslayer is the best bang-for-buck choice for hunting low-level, lightly armored things. Sniper Rifle can reliably take down anything except Deathclaws and heavily armored humans, although with AP ammo and a good aim Deathclaws can be taken. AMR will one-shot anything, but its ammo is very expensive, especially if you want Explosive rounds. On hardcoe, AMR is rather impractical even with GRA upgrades, because 20 rounds for it weight 5lbs.