I am one of these "cloaked douchebags", and I can tell you cloak mode is indeed a bit over powered in most situations, but as the other have said it doesnt make us 100% invisible, if you pay close attention you can still spot us. Plus when you shoot cloaked people you got a huge advantage, the first shot is like 3 times stronger so it's a very easy kill with pretty much every weapon, and it's 1 hit kill with the Snipers and the Marshall. If you are getting killed too much, try being one, here is the class that most cloaked people use:
Primary weapon: SCARAB
Attachment(s): Supressor, Extended Mags and Reflex Sight.
Energy Transfer: At the 3rd upgrade, restores full energy with each kill.
Stealth Enhance: At the 3rd upgrade, consumes less energy in cloak mode, and removes the shadows.
Mobility Enhance: Sprinting and power jumping consumes less energy.
When you get all 3 upgrades for all of the 3 modules, you can run around the map in cloak mode without having to worry with the energy bar, and after you kill someone your energy will get completely restored, so you can be cloaked for just about the entire match. Or if you want a less... direct gameplay, you can be a Sniper:
Primary Weapon: DSG 1, and then the Gauss Rifle after you unlock it. the Attachments don't matter as long as you've got the Sniper Scope obviously.
Modules:Proximity Alarm: Warns you when enemies get close, so you can leave your spot and quickly go back and snap the bastard's neck.
Blind Spot: Enemy Maximum Radar won't detect you, wich will lead them to believe your not there and that it's safe to run around.
Retriever: Retrieves the Dog Tags, so you don't need to leave your camping spot, and with upgrades you will need 1 less Dog Tag to get Killstreaks, and Killstreaks will last longer.
Secondary Weapons and Explosives don't matter very much.
Other than that I cannot help you, you just have to play more untill you memorize all little corners where they enemy might camp, and when theres something "disturbing" the map (cloaked people).
Don't use the guass rifle, it's useless. It's a two hit kill unless you head shot or shoot someone out of cloak, may aswell use the DSG-1 with a silencer. Faster fire rate, less recoil, don't show up on radar, still a two hit kill, or one with headshot or out of cloak in the upper body. Hope this helps