what a surprise! killed by another cloaked douchebag

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:56 pm

I honestly think this game has the potential to go a long way but there are real balance issues that havent been addressed. Can anybody tell me what the point of the nanovision function is? Sometimes it will pick the cloakers up and sometimes it wont, it just seems so unreliable. 95% of my deaths are from cloaked players, thats ridiculous when you really think it through. How can one function be so overused and overpowered? I get a kill then get killed by his cloaked butt buddy a couple of feet away. It seems near impossible to build up killstreaks without getting killed by a camping cloaked wanker. Are there any counters? please i would love to know because the cloak is single handedly ruining my whole experience of this game!

Wonder why there is hardly any community left in this game? because NO ONE likes to be camped down by a cloaked pvssy sitting in some random corner of the map. Atleast in COD you can still see the players who use ghost, in Crysis you can stay hidden from maximum radar and stay cloaked and use a suppressor on your gun, that is a recipe for disaster. Couple all of that with the random headshot detections and a game that had the potential to be awesome, just unfortunately fails.
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:38 pm

Sounds more like you're just not very good at the game bud, no offense. But cloaked people are the easiest kills in the game, so... You need to learn to see them. If you're playing on a HD tv you have no excuse.

And let them camp all they want, this isn't CoD, camping will get you hardly any kills what-so-ever lol
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:39 am

Maybe i would succeed a bit more if i can actually find a lobby to get in to where i dont red bar, and no it is not my connection as i dont struggle to find a match on any other game. That honestly just shows that there is not much of a community left, why? Because like i said before not everyone likes to be cloaked down, and even if you do start shooting first half the time the other player will still win the gun fight, there is no question that the hit detection system is terrible at best.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:25 am

Cloaked people are still visible. The end.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:19 pm

I see cloaked people easier without nanovision. In some situations it's easier to see people cloaked than visible thanks to the suit colors and the background environment. Cloaking makes them kinda glowy.

Tips to deal with the cloak. (This works for me, I'm sure there are people who would disagree 110%)

Use sound - if they are walking around, you can hear them, footsteps, jumping...
Use the radar - see the red blip disappear? You should know or at least have an idea where it was headed. If you can't see him where you think he went, there's a good chance he's cloaked and there's also a good chance he has you in his crosshairs.
Use your eyes - Look for shadows, moving grass, strange reflexions, water like effects runing.

Cloak doesn't make them 100% invisible, the suit just bends the light around which means you can still see their shape.

It has been proven that water can't stand up on 2 water legs and run around the map. So that water creature you see coming at you is most probably an enemy. Shoot it.

Besides that I can't help you much. Just practice. Try to think like them to predict where they will be camped. Fight corner to corner.

I've never used nanovision because I just can't see anything with it. But that's me. I see them better without nanovision. :)

Good luck hunting those cloaky basterds ;)
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:24 pm

@Freemon cheers for the tips will definitely give them a try.
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:04 pm

It seems near impossible to build up killstreaks without getting killed by a camping cloaked wanker.

I got a kill streak of 19 and there are others with kill streaks much higher than that.

I see cloaked people... ;-)
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:03 pm

It seems near impossible to build up killstreaks without getting killed by a camping cloaked wanker.

I got a kill streak of 19 and there are others with kill streaks much higher than that.

I see cloaked people... ;-)

Exactly, killstreak of 62 right here in nothing but free for all ;) and I'm probably the least camping person in this entire game xD
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:45 am

Seriously... do any of these complainers try proximity alarm? Also, cloaking's been part of the franchise since game one. It seems pointless to complain about it during the sequel.
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:33 pm

Seriously... do any of these complainers try proximity alarm? Also, cloaking's been part of the franchise since game one. It seems pointless to complain about it during the sequel.

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Laura Tempel
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:32 pm

I am one of these "cloaked douchebags", and I can tell you cloak mode is indeed a bit over powered in most situations, but as the other have said it doesnt make us 100% invisible, if you pay close attention you can still spot us. Plus when you shoot cloaked people you got a huge advantage, the first shot is like 3 times stronger so it's a very easy kill with pretty much every weapon, and it's 1 hit kill with the Snipers and the Marshall. If you are getting killed too much, try being one, here is the class that most cloaked people use:

Primary weapon: SCARAB
Attachment(s): Supressor, Extended Mags and Reflex Sight.


Energy Transfer: At the 3rd upgrade, restores full energy with each kill.
Stealth Enhance: At the 3rd upgrade, consumes less energy in cloak mode, and removes the shadows.
Mobility Enhance: Sprinting and power jumping consumes less energy.

When you get all 3 upgrades for all of the 3 modules, you can run around the map in cloak mode without having to worry with the energy bar, and after you kill someone your energy will get completely restored, so you can be cloaked for just about the entire match. Or if you want a less... direct gameplay, you can be a Sniper:

Primary Weapon: DSG 1, and then the Gauss Rifle after you unlock it. the Attachments don't matter as long as you've got the Sniper Scope obviously.


Proximity Alarm: Warns you when enemies get close, so you can leave your spot and quickly go back and snap the bastard's neck.
Blind Spot: Enemy Maximum Radar won't detect you, wich will lead them to believe your not there and that it's safe to run around.
Retriever: Retrieves the Dog Tags, so you don't need to leave your camping spot, and with upgrades you will need 1 less Dog Tag to get Killstreaks, and Killstreaks will last longer.

Secondary Weapons and Explosives don't matter very much.

Other than that I cannot help you, you just have to play more untill you memorize all little corners where they enemy might camp, and when theres something "disturbing" the map (cloaked people).
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:04 pm

I am one of these "cloaked douchebags", and I can tell you cloak mode is indeed a bit over powered in most situations, but as the other have said it doesnt make us 100% invisible, if you pay close attention you can still spot us. Plus when you shoot cloaked people you got a huge advantage, the first shot is like 3 times stronger so it's a very easy kill with pretty much every weapon, and it's 1 hit kill with the Snipers and the Marshall. If you are getting killed too much, try being one, here is the class that most cloaked people use:

Primary weapon: SCARAB
Attachment(s): Supressor, Extended Mags and Reflex Sight.


Energy Transfer: At the 3rd upgrade, restores full energy with each kill.
Stealth Enhance: At the 3rd upgrade, consumes less energy in cloak mode, and removes the shadows.
Mobility Enhance: Sprinting and power jumping consumes less energy.

When you get all 3 upgrades for all of the 3 modules, you can run around the map in cloak mode without having to worry with the energy bar, and after you kill someone your energy will get completely restored, so you can be cloaked for just about the entire match. Or if you want a less... direct gameplay, you can be a Sniper:

Primary Weapon: DSG 1, and then the Gauss Rifle after you unlock it. the Attachments don't matter as long as you've got the Sniper Scope obviously.


Proximity Alarm: Warns you when enemies get close, so you can leave your spot and quickly go back and snap the bastard's neck.
Blind Spot: Enemy Maximum Radar won't detect you, wich will lead them to believe your not there and that it's safe to run around.
Retriever: Retrieves the Dog Tags, so you don't need to leave your camping spot, and with upgrades you will need 1 less Dog Tag to get Killstreaks, and Killstreaks will last longer.

Secondary Weapons and Explosives don't matter very much.

Other than that I cannot help you, you just have to play more untill you memorize all little corners where they enemy might camp, and when theres something "disturbing" the map (cloaked people).

Don't use the guass rifle, it's useless. It's a two hit kill unless you head shot or shoot someone out of cloak, may aswell use the DSG-1 with a silencer. Faster fire rate, less recoil, don't show up on radar, still a two hit kill, or one with headshot or out of cloak in the upper body. Hope this helps :)
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Sun of Sammy
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:35 pm

Seriously... do any of these complainers try proximity alarm? Also, cloaking's been part of the franchise since game one. It seems pointless to complain about it during the sequel.

Most people never complained about the cloak in the first one cause most people didnt even play the first one cause it was only available for the PC.
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:07 pm

Seriously... do any of these complainers try proximity alarm? Also, cloaking's been part of the franchise since game one. It seems pointless to complain about it during the sequel.

Most people never complained about the cloak in the first one cause most people didnt even play the first one cause it was only available for the PC.

Did the pc players complain about it though?

And regardless, you don't remove one of the biggest features of a game and it's multiplayer component because some people can't see them very well..
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:44 pm

U mad bro? you're cloak not working as good as mine? Quit crying.
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:30 am

It's not had to see players with cloak on, I think it is harder with nano vision on. if you're having that much trouble seeing them try and upgrade cloak tracker to lvl3 it is very easy to see cloaked players. Also there is very little camping in this game as campers just get killed very quickly in this game, it's not like cod, i use cloak alot and i run around the hole game, and if i see a camper i will go and stealth kill them. once you play a bit more you will see that it's not had to see people in cloak.
best of luck.
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