I have a feeling that this game is going to feel so smooth on the consoles, and a bit cluncky on the PC. I'm getting this for the xbox, but probably on the PC as well when the price lowers.
Splash Damage was exclusivley a PC game designer. They actually had to hire people to help them design games for console (Richard Ham is one of them). All the gameplay videos you have seen are played on a PC with a 360 controller.
All three versions are being developed at the same time (no ports) and I guarantee the PC version will not feel clunky at all. I know one thing they are doing for consoles is when you're being attacked from behind, the controller will turn around 180 degrees really fast, so you have a fighting chance. Think of like a manual version of the 180 quick turn from L4D...but probably not quite as fast.
Ps3. I don't like pc for shooters
wow, epic fail...