Ah the current generation *sigh*
First of all, pretty much all the points you brought up... Are EXACTLY why I prefer Morrowind over Oblivion. You get lost. You get sidetracked. "Where do I go?!" You ask, "Who do I talk to?! Oh I'm so confused!" Well that's life for you, buddy. You've been dropped off in an alien world, with no knowledge of it's landscape, it's creatures, it's inhabitants, it's politics, or it's towns and city's. You're weak. You're pathetic. And up to a point Morrowind makes you fee like that at every step. You're not the knight in shining armor! You're just some bloke trying to get from town A to To B without getting jumped by dozens of Cliff Racers. All your attacks miss? Well haven't you been in Jail? How long do you think it's been since the PC held a weapon? Cast a spell? Jumped around? In the beggining the PC is a loser, everyone hates him. Read my review of Morrowind, I adressed alot of these points in it.
In Morrowind I found myself conciously memorizing routes from one town to another (since there is no fast travel or quest compass) so that adds to the immersion. I found myself PREPARING for each trek across the providence, because I knew if I DIDN'T I'd certainly be up the creek without a paddle. I'd make sure I had enough potions, a spell or scroll of intervention, a few summons in case things get out of control... You really don't have to WORRY about anything in Oblivion. And since TES is kind of all about exploration... Well don't you think exploring an utterly alien world should be worrisome? Don't you think you should prepare before beggining a voyage across the country? Everything is scaled in Oblivion, so there's no chance of you coming in contact with a creature that'll cause you to run away with your tail tucked between your legs.
This brings up another point which I believe Antibody adressed early on in the thread, but didn't touch on too extensively. Oblivion's environment is STERILE compared to Morrowind's. Morrowind is frightening. Everything looks to be plucked directly from your nightmares-- the creatures, the architecture, the sounds, the lighting... Where Oblivion is bright and colorful and happy and Tolkien-Esque (like every other fantasy game under the sun), Morrowind is dark, depressing, challenging, and can't really be compared to any previous work of Fantasy.
It's an original game. I doubt there will ever be another like it.
Nothing can compare to playing Morrowind for the first time. Jesus... I wish I could wipe all the assorted Morrowind knowledge from my brain just to experience that frightening sense of alienation the first time invokes. Sometimes while exploring you'll come across something crazy and think to yourself "Well maybe I shouldn't be here ? "

Man? I wanna be a newbie again.

Oblivion's soulless npcs just made me feel like slaughtering entire towns. I felt like there was no reason to keep them alive. In morrowind I would actually feel -sad- if I saw some of these characters die. Many of the main characters had very interesting personalities that left an impression on me even today. Divayth Fyr... Vivec... Dagoth Ur... Caius Cosades... hell even Crassius Curio, who scarred me for life. Theres a moment before you fight Dagoth Ur where Dagoth Ur has a civil conversation with you, its extremely interesting to hear what he had planned, what he thought of you, and speaking of the past. Morrowind had an element of confusion that made you think, and wonder about the past. Did Vivec really kill the Nerevarine? Which past is true? Vivec's version in the sermons, or the ashlander? Or are -both- true? Are you really the Nerevarine, or just some pawn spawned by Azura? Are you really doing the right thing by ending the tribunal? The Great Houses were incredibly interesting and vastly different from each other. The strange, apathetic, and eccentric Telvanni. The declining honorable Redoran, who were struggling to keep honor, piety, and nobility within Morrowind and its people. The greedy and backstabbing Hlaalu, merchants, corrupt, and willing to adapt to survive. The guilds were awesome as well. The in-fighting in the fighter's guild, choosing to disobey corrupt orders in favor of bringing back a more honorable fighter's guild. Theres a part in the mage's guild where the steward in Balmora tells you to kill a 'necromancer' who turns out not to be a necromancer at all, but a healer. You have the choice of killing her, or lying to the steward. It turns out the steward just had an intense hatred for the healer. But anyways, before I rant too much. This is why I loved Morrowind. Sure, Oblivion had great gameplay. But thats it. Its gameplay. All you feel like doing is killing and getting loot. Theres no conflict. No involvement. No reason. No personality. Only Demo-- 'Daedra'. And the firey pits of hel-- I mean Oblivion opening and wreaking havoc on the holy people of the chathol-- erm, chapel of the nine, when finally Sata-- Mehrunes Dagon comes and smashes things up. The realms of oblivion were portrayed wrong, as only pits of hellish landscape -- when only Mehrunes Dagon's deadlands are like that. But.. ah well. I'm done.
QFT. Excellent post.