Well, there's a lot of replies to reply to, so I'll just sum it up in a few paragraphs (knowing me I'll type out of a whole page)
I like reading, and I'm not a young or new gamer, I'm sort-of in-between "retro" and "modern". I started playing games around 4-5, and I played Sega, Nintendo 64, and Super NES (I still don't understand how I stay in shape when usually I'm just sitting around).
Either way, back to the topic.
What the thing is about the dialogue for me, is that it feels more emotionless when it's just a bunch of words. I like to hear another human (or elf, or argonian, or khajiit

) because otherwise... it just feels strange. It's sort-of like a combination of reading, but reading the same stuff over-and-over again. I'm not saying it isn't fun, but I didn't read Great Gatsby twice for a reason, I've got a photographic memory when it comes to reading. Anything I read, I instantly remember, so it's a pain for everybody to tell me all the same things that I've already known for quite some time.
Dialogue aside, I don't have the "nostalgia" everybody else does. So it's harder for me to get attached and think "Wow, the good old days." It's not that it isn't a good game, it's just the looming feeling of "There's a game that looks better than this, there's a game that has some better fighting mechanics, etc."
It's not the lack of an arrow (I like exploring and getting lost too), it's just sometimes the whole "directions" concept can get frustrating and it feels more troublesome to ask somebody where the South Wall Corner-club is. I just like feeling like I'm in a more realistic world "people-wise" in Oblivion. Like, walking around and watching people go around having lunch together and talking, or training in the fighters guild. I do however, think that being led while somebody's "holding my hand" is annoying in Oblivion. It always felt sort-of like the game was screaming "Take baby steps!", and wouldn't let me fail and keep on going. But still, I liked camping out in a Count/Countess's room until 11PM to get a ring, or making a family to just live life with. Morrowind is just currently missing a certain "feel" to it I look for in games. I'll keep playing though, it's just at the moment, it's not very fun. But like I said, I'm trying to warm up to it.