What is the average ending level for this game?
Me too. I came in at around 49. I assume by ending level you mean "main quest ending", OP. Because there is still much more leveling, mayhem and exploration to be had after that.
I was level 30 when I finished the main questline. I stuck pretty much to the main quest until it was done with, so I'd say that level 30 would be near the lower end of the scale.
I dunno about the level I was when I finished up the main quest, but I've generally done the majority of the game by the time I hit level 50.
Finished the game at level 53.
Re-started completionist playthrough - now at level 30 - haven't released Nick yet...
something around 70 with my first game, around lvl 80 with my second game
Finally got around to finishing the MQ at 50-52. Still wandering around, though.
Finish? Why would I want to bother with the main quest? take it far enough to make it rain terrible vertibird pilots.