I have the staff in my left hand, and the sword in my right.
I guess when I get my heavy armor up, I'll have less magicka restriction.
how can you have a staff in one hand and a swordi n the other...? thats duel-wielding and hassent been usedi n oblivion , are you using a mod maybe - guz in vanilla a staff is double handed
to you question in the tital, there
is no advantage for a staff over a shield, you will take less damage if you use a shield compared to a staff
also magika restriction dosent change,but then the more powerfull spell you use the more damage to a creature
one other tip : DONT play ss the game tells you too, roleplaying is a lot more natural way of naturally devoloping your chracter, si if you dont like the heavy armour ( i know i dont most of the time) but feel you
need to wear it because thats what the game has told you to do, then screw the look and make your own choices!
PS. nice horse arcadian ( or buffy the bowgirl i think ?
