I don't know what the best city in Skyrim is,
But for me it would have to be.... Solitude. It is really big, has lots of open area and the houses look cool.
But it dose svck that if you wanted to buy a hose it's 25000, so that smells.
I don't know what the best city in Skyrim is,
But for me it would have to be.... Solitude. It is really big, has lots of open area and the houses look cool.
But it dose svck that if you wanted to buy a hose it's 25000, so that smells.
Apocrypha count? 'Cause I'd buy a house there if I could.
That cheapskate Hermy-Mory would probably charge me a hundred Dunmer souls just for the lulz though.
My Lord... you... you don't like my city of Valthume?
ALDUIN has spoken! Solitude shall be the new Bromjunaar! *cracks whip at Draugr* We invade tonight! SOLITUDE WILL BE ALDUIN'S!
What, it being damaged in the attack? In that particular playthrough, I only just finished the Battle of Whiterun (in which Ulfric comes off better and Balgruuf worse than in the Imperial version).
My favorite city personally... Solitude, maybe. It seems nice.
Yes, that would have to be a tie with solitude or my second favourite,
None shall dare question Alduins choices, good job Hevnoraak, you do Lord Alduin proud.
Yes Solitude is a wonderful city in Skyrim
Personally, I love Markarth!
I'm a fan of Dwemer lore and architecture so this was a no-brainer for me!
Plus the city itself although rather drab and grey, it has a lot of character in my eyes. A city inhabited by a hardy people who suffer daily with the harshness that Skyrim has to throw at them, what with the; Forsworn raids, dragon attacks and Civil War going on.
Riften is a close second.
Saviiki Alduin, I am most loyal and faithful of the Priesthood. Your will is my strict command! Werid Alduin! Qilaan wah Thuri Alduin!
Great job Hevnoraak, you will always be my favourite servent. You continue to surprise me.
*Abhors all savages, yet lets the Draugr of one lead his Vanguard.*
Naal fin Rah!!!
The Chantry. I should probably mop up all the blood and get rid of the bones and corpses, it makes the place a little unseemly.
Quite the one for the muck, eh?
I'd have to say that Whiterun is overall the best city in Skyrim. A fine city, good Jarl, nice people (besides Nazeem), Dragonsreach, the Companions, and in terms of locations to see and supplies it really does have everything you could possibly need.
Solitude coming second it when it comes to having pretty much the nicest people in Skyrim and the city is overall a happy place.
I'd say Riften comes third. Despite some of its people, do I found the city to have its own beauty and probably the best place for business. If you want to make coin, you go to Riften.
I.... re-integrated him. Through ritual worship and necromancy, no longer is he a savage, but a proud and honorable warrior of my forces!
Besides, my Lord Alduin approves!
Windhelm would be my favorite if it wasn't so [censored] snowy (hurts my FPS). Whiterun isn't my favorite city since it has got very boring over the months. Riften, Markarth and Solitude are located in bad spots and it takes forever to get there without fast travel. Falkreath is nicely built but it doesn't have much to do in it. Morthal is hardly a city and Dawnstar is also [censored] snowy.
I think I will go with Windhelm. At least it doesn't always snow there.
You better hope that no Bosmer decides to go on a Wild Hunt on his ass again.
I love Solitude. Beautiful, winding city. Then Windhelm. I love the glow of Candlehearth's windows at night, especially with a blue aurora borealis behind it.
After running through the streets of Whitreun a bajillion times, it's begun to lose its charm. Even though it's still a classic.