No, I don't make gameplay vids, but you easily can find some on youtube. And yeah, the Feline with Stealth Enchance III and Mobility Enchance is pretty nice. I use this class for the CTF (capture the relay) mode together with Nano Recharge II. You can stay invisible all the time from one base to an other

As secondary I try to use the Majestic. Although its though to get a nice hit with it :/
How do you use it? I'm getting way more shotgun kills with the attachment.
It's all about accuracy, distance, and anticipation of your enemy. When you fire the marshall, you best not miss. If the first shot didn't kill, the second should. And sometimes, it takes up to 3-4 shots depending on range.
Make sure to use the element of surprise. Cloak is your friend. Use the modules energy transfer and that easy mobility. It helps you a lot.
Up close should guarantee a one shot kill without armor, two shots with.
Mid range is 1-4 shots, depending on armor on or off or opponents health.
Long range is where you turn cloak on, get closer, and shoot.
When you get the hang and feel of Marshall (which properly comes only through using it for a while), you'll be able to slide and shoot, high jump and shoot, and just rack up kills easily....and piss alot of people off lol ;P