» Fri May 27, 2011 2:14 am
I usually end up with the character owning all of them (and a few mod-added homes as well) but I find that the one I use most is the IC shack, because of its central location. I don't tend to save things for later, or make collections, so storage ins't an issue. A player home is just a convenient bed, and somewhere to spar with a summons to raise a stat from time to time. The IC shack has that, and it's on the way to anywhere else. Sometimes I don't bother adding the optional furnishing to it, but it still gets the most use.
I almost never buy the Leyawiin one, as the White Stallion Lodge is better (especially with Mazoga in residence), but all the rest are just as good as each other, and a good way to use up the gold.