You paid for the gun?
You pay to have items repaired?
I'm genuinely surprised by that.
Anyway I'm not a huge fan of it either, but I do admit that it does have some attractive qualities. It's crit chance is tied with Lucky's and the only one-handed Gun that has a higher one is the Silenced .22. It is also the only pistol with Armoured Piercing Rounds and with GRA and the Hand Loader perk it can also get Match rounds which lower its spread. Like I said, I'm not a huge fan of it, but I can understand why others are.
Part of the reason I chose Lucky over That Gun though is, you need to ask yourself what a pistol is for.
If you see a deathclaw off in the distance, are you reaching for your sidearm? [censored] no, that's suicide. You'd reach for your rifle. So then what's the point of having a pistol at all if your rifle does it better?
To be economical, that's why. When I went into Old World Blues, I brought tons of ammo for my Brush Gun, Assault Carbine, Lucky and Gobi Sniper, but by the time I left? Hell, I used the LAER in the room with the giant Giant Roboscorpion to defeat it. I was out of ammo in EVERYTHING except Lucky, and by the time I got there I'd conserved about 18 Brush Gun shots for the Giant Roboscorpion. Obviously they weren't enough and I had to pick up the LAER to finish the job (Lucky could've done it too, but again I was being economical. The LAER has higher damage and can do the job better, and if it breaks after this fight? So what? I need LUCKY to be able to make it back to the Sink more than I do the LAER, which is not at all reliable in the long run). But even being able to survive up until that point? That, I owe to Lucky. Lucky was there to get easy kills to help conserve on ammo for the hard hitters for the tough battles, and Lucky was the only gun I could rely on when ammo started to run low, as .357 rounds are such a common, lightweight easy-to-make round and Lucky is so cheap and easy to repair that it was the ONLY gun that wasn't breaking (costs of repair in the Big Empty can be VERY expensive; yes I know now you should take repair kits with you, but I went in there blind) and the ONLY one I always had ammo for. I can't tell you how many times I had to kill a Nightstalker pack with Lucky, and how many times being able to interrupt the loading sequence of it actually saved my ass. (yes, I actually ran into several instances where I needed ONE bullet, and being able to stop after reloading one bullet probably saved my life)
Personally, I sort of have to scoff when That Gun fans say "I can pierce armor, Lucky can't." Yeah that's great and all, but why would you? Why would you ever use That Gun to take down a BoS Paladin or a Deathclaw? You have a rifle for that; use it!
A sidearm is just that; a SIDEarm, meaning it's not your primary weapon to rely on. To me, Lucky serves that purpose best. All the other pistols, to me, feel like wannabe primary weapons, which while they may feel cool in your hands, aren't actually wise as sidearm choices. (Ranger Sequoia, ALSID imo, both because they have repair issues and/or ammo issues)
But yeah, like I said, some people would also scoff at my use of Lucky and say ALSID or Lil' Devil is better. There's plenty of differing opinions on this, and as I said, part of it depends on your character's build. Low agility or Luck characters for example will definitely wanna avoid Lucky.