What is the best Warrior build?

Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:02 am

I'm starting morrowind again and I would want to know the best warrior build. I don't really care how its build. I just want a good warrior to start off that does good damage etc etc etc. Please I need help.
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Rach B
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:39 am

Race: Nord
Class: Knight
Birthsign: The Warrior

Use an Axe and Heavy armor. This warrior class is pretty powerful, as you get to start with a really high Axe and Heavy Armour skill and with immunity to frost and 50% resistance to shock.
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kevin ball
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Post » Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:18 pm

Can you tell me the minor skills and major skills.
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:53 pm

As an alternative, a Redguard gets an even better bonus to Long Blade (+15) and adrenaline rush is IMHO the best power boost. If you take The Lady and make Endurance and Strength your favored attributes, then you’ll start with 85 Endurance to pump up your health and 60 Strength which gives you above average damage and helps your Long Blade skill. Since you’re a return player, you may know that a simple quest will get you one of the most powerful long blades in the game.
Specialization: Combat (of course)
Majors: Long Blade, Block, Heavy Armor, Athletics and Marksman
Minors: Armorer, Alchemy, Speechcraft (solves a lot of quests), Enchant (all magicka skills in one) and Mysticism (for Mark/Recall and Almsivi/Divine Intervention)
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sunny lovett
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:24 am

As an alternative, a Redguard gets an even better bonus to Long Blade (+15) and adrenaline rush is IMHO the best power boost. If you take The Lady and make Endurance and Strength your favored attributes, then you’ll start with 85 Endurance to pump up your health and 60 Strength which gives you above average damage and helps your Long Blade skill. Since you’re a return player, you may know that a simple quest will get you one of the most powerful long blades in the game.
Specialization: Combat (of course)
Majors: Long Blade, Block, Heavy Armor, Athletics and Marksman
Minors: Armorer, Alchemy, Speechcraft (solves a lot of quests), Enchant (all magicka skills in one) and Mysticism (for Mark/Recall and Almsivi/Divine Intervention)

I like Redgaurds too. Perfect warriors.
I wouldn't start with 85 Endurance... you'll have it at 100 way too soon. I like The Thief birthsign for my warriors.. the 10 pts of Sanctuary gives you a nice bit of help in battle.
And Athletics is rather pointless, especially as a Major. Armorer would be better suited.
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KIng James
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Post » Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:33 pm

Well, the sooner you max endurance, the more health points you get in the long run. As for athletics, it's true that you will get lots of points by just going places, but it takes months and months (and months) to max out. Also, a 30 in athletics when you start out allows you to move a little faster, which makes everythingn else happen a little quicker. I use enchanted items to damage my armor (and use enchant) so that I can level up armorer pretty easily.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:00 pm

The good thing about starting with super high Endurance is that means you gain more HP each level. I'm not sure I see the big downside with hitting 100 soon, you just raise other stats instead.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:56 am

The good thing about starting with super high Endurance is that means you gain more HP each level. I'm not sure I see the big downside with hitting 100 soon, you just raise other stats instead.

I just like to start with all Attribute/Skills under 60... just so I don't feel too powerful in any regard at the start of the game.
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Quick draw II
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:11 am

The reason I picked Nord is because they get the immunity to frost, and the 50% to shock....along with high warrior skills/attributes.

That makes them pretty powerful against everything.

EDIT: I agree 'The Lady' is the best warrior birthsign.....but I normally skim over it caue from a RP perpective.....you dont want your badass warrior with the sign of 'The Lady'. :D
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:17 am

EDIT: I agree 'The Lady' is the best warrior birthsign.....but I normally skim over it caue from a RP perpective.....you dont want your badass warrior with the sign of 'The Lady'. :D

Unless of course you're a baddass warrior lady. Very fitting for a Knight as well. But yeah, maybe not that much for your basic Conan type guy.
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