A annoying glitch where even though you are in a "Classic" Game (Game with no Nanosuit), the character models are still wearing Nanosuits.
Orbital Strike lag is a huge glitch in need of repair (DHMH)
When you go to customize one of your classes loadouts, the menu music repeats, and overlaps with the first music which causes a retarded ear raqe. (DHMH)
Detail Draw Distance is quite low. Sometimes for example when you are simply walking, you can see decals load on the floors or walls...
Addition of Volumetric Particle Effects is necessary. Now not ALL particles are non volumetric, but a good handful of them are. Smoke, flames, and more are simply two sided and you can tell.....
MORE advanced graphics options. Now this is hinted in the new patch, but until we know how advanced the visual options will get, I have to put this. PC Gamers like controlling most if not all of the visual options individually for better control.
TOD is also wanted by the community (in fact there is a thread about it...). I do not know how this could be implemented, but if it could that would be great!
A bigger player limit in multiplayer would be fantastic. 8v8 is a little ehh weak....(CrazyFist)
Addition of custom saves would be great. Come on, checkpoints?
SDK/Basic Mod Tools also. This is a huge thing that is required CryTek if you want Crysis 2 to be taken fully as a serious PC Game.....(Whole **** of people)
Please keep this flame proof, and if you have any concerns for Crytek post in this thread!