As I've said elsewhere, I don't think the ZoS devs actually know EXACTLY how many skill points there are, just because none of them has sat down with the code and counted them all up. None of them has ever given an exact answer, and I don't think they will.
Partly because it's a bad question: the number has been constantly changing, and it will continue to change constantly, so you have to ask the question relative to some particular build at some particular point in time. There will certainly be more points included with the Craglorn release, and more skills included with the Thieves Guild release (if not sooner).
As for the devs, they have a design goal, which is "plenty", and that's what they care about.
It's the players who seem obsessed with find out to the last decimal point (yes there are fractional skill points, thanks to skyshards
). Realistically though, it will take a very very long time to get every one of them. What players need to be interested in is how many points they will have to play with at different points along their character development, and that will depend on how they play.