Newbie here so apologies for any ignorance shown.
Could someone please explain how health (hit points) and limb conditions are calculated? Is it a case of when all limbs’ condition reaches zero so do your HPs and hence you die? In other words, if all your limbs are @ say 80% your overall HP will be 80% too?
Reason I’m asking is because I play in HC mode and when a limb is damaged it is pretty serious and requires a doctor’s bag or Hydra. I’ve recently levelled up and took the Adamantium Skeleton perk which means limbs only receive 50% their normal damage. Since taking it I seem to be getting a lot more disabled limbs but dying less. Is this because there’s now basically a bigger “range” between a damaged limb and death?
Hope my questions make sense. Been playing A LOT of FONV and sleep deprivation is setting in.
BTW: did you guys see the cool Tweet from Ice T re FONV? Check it out on the FO wiki.