Well i am going to post many more questions on here so get used to it, and the moderators wont care
Well i am going to post many more questions on here so get used to it, and the moderators wont care
Whenever i make a new character i screw up and then loose my old character
One is tall, one is small and the other one somewhere in the middle.
Ehurm,The nords are tall and white and mostly blondes and redheads their noses looks to be thicker but sharp,I think the imperials are a little bit shorter and have darker skin and more sharp but long noses, But yeah,In character creation you can make a nord with dark skin and make him have black hair. Not everyone looks the same.
Bretons are short, and got a wrinkly forehead.
Imperials are dark skinned but not as much as Redguards.
Nords are the tallest.
And of course, there is the face's bone structure.
Sure. As I said, I was not making any IRL counterpart connections, just giving examples.
They arent the same thing at all. Nords and Imperials mostly originate from Atmora, but the imperials have evolved differently over time, and they both have and incredibly different culture. Nords / Imperials are not related to Redguards AT ALL, because Redguards originate from Yokudan (sp?) and are not related to them at all. Its like saying whats the difference between Altmer, Bosmer, and Dunmer. Bosmer and Altmer share a common ancestry, but are not related to dunmer at all.
Uh the Dunmer are related to the Altmer and Bosmer and they do share a common ancestory by means of the Aldmer
Do they? I thought the dunmer were more closely related to the dwemer. BUT, if that is the case, then they are even more alike than the nords imperials and redguards.
Nords - Tall, fair hair and skin, light colored eyes, well built and well muscled, tend to be heavy warriors and berserkers. Built for hard work in cold climates and are generally hardy people hailing from Atmora. Basically Vikings.
Imperials - Short, dark eyes and hair, average build, olive skin, tend to either be disciplined Legion warriors or some sort of politician/scribe. Talents lie in speechcraft with a strong fighting force as the Legion. They are basically the Greeks/Romans.
Redguards - Taller than Imperials, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, tend to be warriors or assassins. Built for the harsh Sun and heat of the deserts, talents lie with combat skill. They are basically Middle Easterners and African Americans hail from Yokudan.
They are all unique with their cultures, talents and physical appearances. Each have a specialty that range from the others.
I just never saw them as african, they remind me of middle easterners or northern africans, which are mostly muslim and islamic as well.
Redguards live more like the Middle Easterners than the Africans. They are just dark skinned like the Africans are.
Why does no one mention the Bretons? They may be 1/2 mer, but they have the anatomy of a human, as far as I can tell.
Well the Dwemer are related to the other Aldmer races as well. The Chimer are basically Aldmer who traveled with Veloth to Morrowind during the Merethic Era
I swear Redguards and Nords are the same height.
Nah that be Imperials. Bretons are at least good warriors and mages.
Redguards, Nords and Imperials all look the same height in game but in 3rd person you can see your height compared to them and there's a difference, plus lore usually labels them as tall, in between and short.