what is the differance between the nords, the impierals, and the redguards?
I mean, they are human.
what is the differance between the nords, the impierals, and the redguards?
I mean, they are human.
Nords are known to be big, strong folk (Think Russians). Imperial your average human, and Redguard your average African-American.
Not saying each race is a counterpart of IRL races, just making an example.
No i mean what is the point of making extra races when they are the same exact thing.
It's like asking what's the difference between the various Mer.
Their culture and to a lesser extent physical traits differentiate them from one another. But mostly culture.
ok well the redguard doesnt, but they are all human
Each race is different in their own way even though they are all 'human'.
Redguards come from the lost continent of Yokuda.
Nords hail from Atmora.
Imperials are a mixed breed originating in the center of Tamriel.
Are you asking why there is more than one human race in TES?
Wut? They are not the same thing,They are all human. But they dont look the same,I am not sure what you are asking,
How? You cant see a different between an imperial and a nord? or even a redguard or nord? o.o Like,Can you see a difference between a white man and a black man?
I see you have started a bunch of threads here just recently. Lots of questions huh? Read the wiki and you will have the answers to all of your questions in the 10-15 threads you just started.
One is a civilization of savage bloodthirsty,brave, hardy, ferocious and fearsome snow loving warriors, the other one are a skilled, disciplined, agile, hardy, quick and steadfast desert warriors and the last one is a group of physically weak sods who are all talk and to their credit quite good at that.
I'm sure that will help tell you which one is which and the difference between them.
I am not stupid i can tell the differance between blacks and whites, but i cant tell the differance between nords and imperial, what is differance?
What do you mean,Culture wise or appereance wise? I mean they clearly look different
Oh my bad, i am asking questions about skyrim on the skyrim forums, i am SOOOOO sorry
What is the differance in the appearance between the impierals and the nords