What's the fastest way to get 100 Alchemy and Enchanting ear

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:38 am

I figured I want to be able to make all that really awesome and epic gear earlier on in the game, so I can enjoy the spoilers before I'm 90% done with the game. So basically, what is the fastest way to max enchanting and alchemy back near the level 10 era?

P.S. I don't needs comments telling me not to do this because it will ruin/break the game. I'm fully aware of what I'm getting into.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:57 am

Wow, this thread disappeared quickly. I had to go find it on my profile.
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:02 pm

Pay for Alchemy 5 times each level, and brew potions/eat ingredients. Enchanting is incredibly easy. Enchant all the random items you find. Waterbreathing is a good one for helmets and rings/amulets as all you need is a Petty Soul and its still quite valuable. You also get points for recharging your enchanted weapons, so make sure you do that more often than necessary. It won't take long at all.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:36 pm

Enchant iron daggers you've made 100s of with petty soul gems which you can buy cheap from vendors. You'll have to run around soul trapping wolves and mudcrabs and junk but I don't think there's a better alternative.

As for alchemy I think just buying cheap ingredients from vendors, and selling potions to pay for it if needed. While you're off soul trapping wild life, could also pick whatever you happen across as well.

Alchemy and enchant aren't quite as easy as smithing.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:01 pm

Level smithing up first by crafting Iron Daggers. Keep the daggers and then enchant them.
It just takes some time to find or buy all the Soul gems that you need. :)
I think it took me 6 hours to get all the gems and level my enchanting from 20 to 100.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:15 pm

I smith iron daggers, enchant em with absorb health, and sell em for HUGE profit.

Buy ingredients for it and mess around for a while.

Advice from a lvl 60. lol.
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:11 am

As a side 'benefit' you'll also level up Speech from all that buying and selling, which will steadily increase your profit margins. I am doing this process on my character (have smithing at 60 and am about to work alchemy and enchanting), but with only Whiterun and Riverwood available the flow of ingredients and ore is somewhat crimped. Will be going to other holds soon in order to have more merchants with which to speed up the process.

One thing you will find is that for a goodly while you will actually be losing quite a bit of money in the exchange, however selling everything you find other than the materials you need will rake in quite a bit of cash. SCSA's suggestion of Fortify Health works quite well, as the enchantment is easy to find on armor; Fortify Marksman is another good one, you can usually find a ring or bracers with it in the blacksmith shop in Whiterun for a reasonable amount.

Fortify Marksman also works well for potion grinding, although you need to be careful which ingredients you use as a couple of them are rather expensive. Two things to keep in mind when leveling Alchemy: the more expensive the resultant potion the more credit you get, and the more effects it has the more it's worth. Thus, while a Fortify Marksman potion is a good basic potion to crank out, one that does Fortify Marksman+Resist Fire is even better. That combo is just an example, as I'm not sure if you can actually make it or not, but you get the idea. Such combo-balls are a great way to stabilize your personal economy, as some of them sell for stupid amounts of money and will cover the expenses for Soul Gems/Ore/Ingots/Leather that are incurred during the smithing+enchanting process.
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