Yep, chargen blunders, so it's find water, food, halfway decent pistol and ammo, hairdresser and plastic surgeon, in that order. Gotta get the essentials sorted before rebuilding civilisation.
you're in for a loooooooong, long time playing the game )
1. Looking for a Nuka-Cola vending machine
2. Drink Nuka-Cola
3. Play for ca. 30min to get the hang of the mechanics
4. Contract Restartitis, I'm afraid...
Cry over my dead child. Who's gender I do not know or care to know... IT'S MY CHILD!
Maybe not. It's just confirmed that the dog is unkillable as companion. If it's like NV you can kill him easily if he's not a follower.
Rub my face vigorously because that's what I do when I'm really excited and can't channel it properly, then head straight for my old home, followed by the gas station, followed by the water tower, followed by Concord.
Why would you want to kill an animal that is completely loyal to you and is trying his absolute best to help you? A good character would find such loyalty and selflessness moving and an evil character would find them useful. Are you roleplaying a cartoonishly evil character perhaps?
beCauSe i r hate Bethesda so iF Bethesda maks doG unKillaBle i r mUsT kiLL dOg t DeFy thEm
Maybe they're playing a character who watched a childhood friend get mauled to death by a dog. Maybe they're rolling a character who's really genre savvy and just objects to the 'man's best friend' trope. Maybe they're rolling a character that kills everything s/he might get attached to because ~feelings~ remind them of their dead chile.
I'm gonna head in the opposite direction of my main quest as usual, in order to map as much as possible and hope for the best!
Ah, yes, this will be among my priorities as well. An ice cold Nuka cola.
i see...
...which will be about 3 secs after the game releases, from what it looks like (close to no effort if it's handled the usual way, ck not necessarily needed)
(won't be from me though, i'm a walking animal friend perk - but just wondering: if i made a mod that, say, lets you dunk the dog in a toxic waste barrel and has it mutate into, say, some radiating green plasma drooling mutant doggo (or whatever along that lines, depending on what the actual games' assets give), would you kill dog people accept this as an alternative to killing the poor pup...?
Feels like I'm wearing nothin' at all! Nothin' at all! Nothin' at all!
i will get drunk and try to make out with a deathjaw, the wasteland's newest predator
you could just install the game and unleash a couple wicked virusses on it, doesn't just kill the dog, kills the whole game world and what creates it and thus equals something like a pandimensional meganuke, far more efficient... ,-)
I will cry for my beloved huspand X and son Shaun, lost somewhere in the cataclysm 200 years ago ....
Then I, the godly player behind the screen, will scream of joy looking at the Wasterland while my tragig character is still mourning her loss and the horror, and I`ll start eying around for any scrap she could build her empir...I mean some imminent shelter /camp from with the amazing building abilities the game has .
Check which direction I'm "supposed" to go and then head off in the direct opposite direction. ; )
And we shall mourn for
Blow up my character to see if she is an android...
Though, if that 2 year old leak is still correct, it would be redundant, but I'm still going to do it anyway xD